The life of California Indians; This Assignment is asking you to use your imagination AND the information contained in Chapter 3 and the Lecture/ Slide Show for Chapter 3, to record a day/night in the life of California Indians, as if you were a member of a tribe living here BEFORE European contact. You can write in first person as a specific individual or describe in third person what is unfolding on a daily basis within the larger tribe. As you compose your submission (375 words) some suggested categories to explore could be: food, shelter, clothing, hunting, gathering, gender roles, other kinds of work such as tool making and basket weaving, spiritual beliefs/rituals, story-telling, hobby/leisure time activities, etc. Please follow the rules for grammar and capitalization, and especially the footnoting format and listing sources included in the 1st block of Modules. Remember to include an appropriate image with your submission.
Specific Instructions
- The text portion of this assignment needs to be at least 375 words long and include a picture/image.
- Make sure you are following the assignment description and including a strong introduction and conclusion. Consult Rubric at bottom of page.
- Submission MUST be double-spaced. Font cannot be larger than 12.
- Footnotes must be used to show specific source of information whether it is being directly quoted or not. You must consult at least two sources and they must be listed. Consult Grammar/Footnote Rules in Opening Module.
This Assignment is asking you to use your imagination AND the information contained in Chapter 3 and the Lecture/ Slide Show for Chapter 3, to record a day/night in the life of California Indians as if you were a member of a tribe living here BEFORE European contact. You can write in first person as a specific individual or describe in third person what is unfolding on a daily basis within the larger tribe. As you compose your submission (375 words) some suggested categories to explore could be: food, shelter, clothing, hunting, gathering, gender roles, other kinds of work such as tool making and basket weaving, spiritual beliefs/rituals, story-telling, hobby/leisure time activities, etc. Please follow the rules for grammar and capitalization, and especially the footnoting format and listing sources included in the 1st block of Modules. Remember to include an appropriate image with your submission.
Specific Instructions
- The text portion of this assignment needs to be at least 375 words long and include a picture/image.
- Make sure you are following the assignment description and including a strong introduction and conclusion. Consult Rubric at bottom of page.
- Submission MUST be double-spaced. Font cannot be larger than 12.
- Footnotes must be used to show specific source of information whether it is being directly quoted or not. You must consult at least two sources and they must be listed. Consult Grammar/Footnote Rules in Opening Module.