Sanitation: Waste Transfer Station

Nursing Practice

Sanitation: Waste Transfer Station

Sanitation: Waste Transfer Station A First Nation in Northern Ontario has developed a waste transfer station to manage solid waste from the community as there isn’t additional space at the current landfill. Now operational, the transfer station faces some challenges – the waste is trucked about an hour away and has basically put the First Nation’s problem in the backyard of someone else; the bins are being charged by volume not weight, which means there can be voids in the bin with air gaps that the Nation is being charged for. There are two non-Indigenous communities and four Indigenous communities within an hour of the transfer station. What can the Nation do to reduce the transportation cost of the waste? Are there economies of scale that can be gained by working with surrounding communities?

Tam Assignment 1: 9 pages maximum; APA style only required in Reference section. Sanitation: Waste Transfer Station

Your team can be creative in their approach and paper, but with the expectation that they will

use the tools and learning from BUSI640 (and other courses where appropriate): this includes

but it is not limited to the various diagnostic tools and the Management Consulting Template.

The first paper is only a preliminary, start-up paper that should include (but not necessarily be

limited to) background/current situation; issue/opportunity to be solved; the scope; the

approach and methodology (ensure listing of steps to be undertaken), and the KEY FINDINGS

based upon the diagnostic tools the team chooses to utilize. Team Assignment 1 does not

include recommendations. Sanitation: Waste Transfer Station



Background current situation

Issue / opportunity




  • Strategy
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Informationam Assignment 1: 9 pages maximum; APA style only required in Reference section.

    Your team can be creative in their approach and paper, but with the expectation that they will

    use the tools and learning from BUSI640 (and other courses where appropriate): this includes

    but it is not limited to the various diagnostic tools and the Management Consulting Template.

    The first paper is only a preliminary, start-up paper that should include (but not necessarily be

    limited to) background/current situation; issue/opportunity to be solved; the scope; the

    approach and methodology (ensure listing of steps to be undertaken), and the KEY FINDINGS

    based upon the diagnostic tools the team chooses to utilize. Team Assignment 1 does not

    include recommendations.


    Background current situation

    Issue / opportunity




    • Strategy
    • Finance
    • Human Resources
    • Information Technology
    • Operations
    • Marketing


  • Operations
  • Marketing


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