Problem Identification Interview Assignment Help

Nursing Practice

Problem Identification Interview Assignment

Final problem identification

  1. Based on your group’s community observations (e.g. personal observations, supporting documentation) and interviews:
  1. What does the group conclude are the top two problems (Problem 1 and Problem 2) this zone should focus on addressing first?
  1. To what extent did information gathered through interviews inform the group’s

Problem 1 and Problem 2 identification? Explain.

  1. To what extent did information gathered through observations inform the

group’s Problem 1 and Problem 2 identification? Explain.

  1. Briefly discuss any relevant data (e.g. U.S. Census bureau, scholarly articles,

and/or organizational sources) that supports the group identifying Problem 1 and

Problem 2 as critical community issues. Problem Identification Interview Assignment Help

This are the informations I have to be able to answer the problem Identification part

Geographic Overview

Area 3 is in zip code 77004, according to the United States zip codes website. This area is claimed to be occupied by predominantly African American young adults in their late twenties to early forties. This sector, which is small in comparison to other parts of the city, has a small number of families and is largely occupied by single adults.

Interview Recap

The interviews were done with a resident who has lived in the region for three years, a substitute teacher who has worked in the area for five years, and a nurse practitioner who has worked in her practice for two years. Mrs. Yusuf has been working as a nurse practitioner in the community for the past two years. Her practice benefits the community by providing services to low-income individuals as well as minority groups that are both underinsured and uninsured. After speaking with Mrs. Yusuf, it is clear that she believes the community\’s weakness is occupational stress, but that the community\’s engagement in dealing with power imbalances is a source of strength. Mrs. Yusuf believes that as a result of the COVID challenges, a Medicare-like healthcare system will and should emerge, allowing uninsured people to seek and receive medical care more readily, culminating in a future community transformation. Problem Identification Interview Assignment Help


Another interviewee is a three-year resident of the neighborhood who spends her free time delivering meals to the city\’s homeless population. Ms. Jones grew up not far from her current residency and sees the community\’s unity as a strength; yet, she sees the community\’s weakness as the lack of funds available to help the homeless. She believes that a future transition for the community will be more unity in the majority of areas afflicted by homelessness. She also feels that if the community comes together, it will be able to form a partnership and approach the local government for support for the homeless.

Problem Identification Interview Assignment Help

The third interviewee is Ms. Martin, who has been a substitute teacher at the local schools for the past five years. Her hope for the future of the community is centered on the activities for school-aged youth. Ms. Martin believes that if school-based programs to empower children and encourage them to be positive members of society are sustained, the community will quickly change for the better. Ms. Martin is involved in the neighborhood through her church\’s youth outreach program, and she sees the community\’s new housing construction as a strength. She claims that a major problem is the lack of after-school programs and community resources.

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