Pharmacology Nursing Assignment
Choose the correct answer with solution if possible:
1.Consider a woman BD who has liver disease and cannot metabolize the drug as effectively so that the half-life in her is doubled. The half-life of the drug is typically 4 hours in an individual with normal liver function. If BD stopped taking the drug after 48 hours of administration, estimate the total time that the drug was in her body.
(Options: 48 hours, 52 hours, 62 hours, 70 hours, 88 hours). Pharmacology Nursing Assignment Help
2.Consider BD again and that the drug dose was not adjusted based on her liver condition. She is given 100mg of the drug every 4 hours, as would typically be done for a normal individual with her weight and age. What would be steady state concentration of the drug in BD’s plasma in that case? (The concentration normal individual at steady state is typically 3mg/ml.)
(Options: 1.5 mg/mL, 3 mg/mL, 4.5 mg/mL, 6 mg/mL, 12 mg/mL) Pharmacology Nursing Assignment Help
3.Glipizide is an antidiabetic drug that has a pKa of 5.9. Approximately what percentage of the drug would be in the lipid soluble form in the duodenal lumen which has a pH of 7?
(Options: 1, 7, 14, 28, 90)
4.Passive diffusion through the cellular membranes of gastric cells can lead to very high concentrations of the drug inside gastric cells if the drug has which of the following characteristics? Basic: larger pKb weaker base
(Options: It is a base with pKa of 7, It is an acid with pKa of 3.5, It is a base with pKa of 5.2, It is an acid with pKa of 8.5, It is non-ionizable).
Pharmacology Nursing Assignment Help
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