Networking Project Assignment
For your final step, synthesize the previous steps and labs to summarize the major findings and from this project.
Specifically, prepare a technical report that summarizes your findings. Include all of the following elements:
- The strengths and limitations associated with limiting access of web pages through the use of firewalls. Networking Project Assignment Help
- A detailed description of how tunneling through firewall via SSH worked and how the process could be used protect a private subnet. Describe the implications of using a jump box for access to the private subnet. Cover concerns such as key storage, creation, and rotation at scale for a large organization.
- TLS communication challenges and results from your TLS 1.3 Java client-server implementation. Describe how this functionality could be used to support an IoT application with hundreds of thousands of remote sensor devices connecting across a distributed network.
- A discussion of major threats to WLANs and how each can be mitigated. Provide security monitoring best practices and describe suitable approaches to protecting a WLAN. Networking Project Assignment Help

Delve further into these topics by conducting research beyond the classroom readings and lab exercises to gain further insight and enhance your report.
Naturally, I expect your report will include a title page, table of contents, list of tables and figures (if applicable), and a list of references. Organize the content into sections, with clear, meaningful headings.
Joint Task Force Transformation Initiative. (2015, January 22). “SC-7 Boundary Protection,” from Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations. Retrieved from
- All text should be double-spaced.
- Use one-inch margins on all sides.
- All paragraphs in the body are indented.
- Make sure that the title is centered on the page with your name and school/institution underneath.
- Use 12-point font throughout.
- All pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corne
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