Life and Teachings of Jesus

Nursing Practice

Life and Teachings of Jesus REL 2032.E1   Life and Teachings of Jesus

  1. F. Massey  Ph.D.


\"  Life

Assignment 6

Read the following sections of the gospels and answer the questions. Single spacing is acceptable. Maintain the numbering as given.


The Problem of Wealth (Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30)

Why is it hard for the rich to enter into the kingdom of God?

What did Jesus tell the rich young man he should do with his money?

Jesus says that followers might have to make sacrifices. In what way would they be rewarded?   Life and Teachings of Jesus


Passing Through Jericho (Luke 18:35-19:10).

What did Bartimaeus cry out as Jesus passed by?

How did the crowd react to his healing?

Who was Zacchaeus?  What did Jesus say to him?

How did Zacchaeus show that he had truly repented of wrong?


The Triumphal Entry (Matthew 21:1-11).

When Jesus and his disciples came to Bethphage, what did he send two of the disciples into the village to obtain?

Describe the triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

When the people shouted Hosanna, what did it mean? Find the Psalm that was fulfilled in this event.


Cleansing the Temple (Matthew 21:12-17).

Do research to determine why people were buying and selling in the temple.

Why did Jesus drive them out?


Jesus’ Authority Challenged (Matthew 21:23-22:46).   Life and Teachings of Jesus

How did Jesus answer the chief priests and scribes when they asked Him concerning His authority?

In what manner did Jesus lead the chief priests and elders to pass judgment on themselves?

What did Jesus’ explanation of the parable show as to the Jewish nation?

Why did the Jews not lay hands on Jesus after such a stinging condemnation of them?

In the Parable of the Marriage Feast of the King’s Son, who are probably represented as making light of the invitation?  Who are probably represented by those called from \”the partings of the highways\”?

Who were trying to ensnare Jesus by asking, \”Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?\”  Show how Jesus outwitted them.

How did the Sadducees try to ensnare Jesus, and what two errors in their thinking did Jesus point out?


Woes to the Pharisees (Matthew 23:1-39).

Outline and summarize the woes against the Pharisees and scribes.

How and why did Jesus lament Jerusalem’s state?


Perilous Times (Matthew 24:1-31).

State the prophecy Jesus made concerning the temple in Jerusalem.

What three questions were posed by the disciples?

List some of the things that Jesus said must happen before the destruction of Jerusalem.

Discuss the \”abomination of desolation.\”

Why should the disciples hope that they would not have to flee in the winter nor on a sabbath?

Note some of the things to occur following the destruction of the temple and the taking of Jerusalem.

Explain: \”This generation shall not pass away, until all these things be accomplished.\”

Discuss whether it is possible to predict the end of the world.


Watching and Waiting (Matthew 25:1-46).

Give the main lesson of the Parable of the Ten Virgins.

State who the two classes are in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats.

According to the judgment scene described by Jesus, what are the attributes of the righteous?

Give your views on the concept of a Great Judgment and eternal punishment.


Anointing in Bethany (Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; John 12:1-8).

In whose home did this occur?

How does this incident differ from the event recorded in Luke 7:36-50?

What comment did Jesus make to justify the woman’s deed?


The Plot (Matthew 26:1-5; 14-19).

As the Passover approached, what did the Sanhedrin plan to do?

Tell how Judas planned to betray Jesus.

Where did the disciples find a place where they and Jesus were to eat the Passover?


The Last Supper (John 13:1-20; Matthew 26:20-29; Luke 22:14-20).

What lesson did Jesus seek to teach by washing the disciples’ feet?

How did Peter respond to Jesus washing his feet, and what did Jesus say to him?

When Jesus announced that one of the number would betray Him, what did each ask?

In which manner did Jesus indicate that Judas was the betrayer?

How would Christ’s followers best prove their discipleship?

What prediction did Jesus make concerning Peter?

In this last meal before his death, what new meanings did Jesus attach to the bread and the cup?


Words of Comfort (John 13:31-16:33).

What response did Jesus make, when Philip said, \”Lord, show us the Father, and it will suffice?\”

What greater works would His disciples do?

Discuss the Comforter whom Jesus promised to send.

Explain: \”When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all the truth.\”


Agony in the Garden (John 17:1-26; Mark 14:32-52, Luke 22:35-38).

In his comment about swords, what did Jesus imply about self-defense?

Whom did Jesus take with Him as He went into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray?

For whom did Jesus pray in His intercessory prayer near Gethsemane?

What request did Jesus make three times?

What were the three disciples doing while Jesus prayed?

What evidence was there of Jesus’ extreme agony in the garden?

Who came looking for Jesus in Gethsemane, and how was Jesus pointed out?

In what way did Peter attempt to defend Jesus?

Why did Jesus rebuke Peter for this act?

What did the disciples do as Jesus was arrested?


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