Fish Packaging Case Study Assignment Help

Nursing Practice

Fish Packaging Case Study Assignment

Case Study

The “Case study: the use of statistical process control in fish product packaging” by Grigg et al. (1998) demonstrates how SPC systems can be established and operated in a simple yet effective manner to reduce quality errors and improve customer confidence. Please carefully read through the case and make appropriate analysis to prepare a case report.

 The case report is individual assignment.  The written report should be around 4 -6 pages with the 12 Times New Roman font and

Fish Packaging Case Study Assignment Help

double-space paragraph.  The report should demonstrate an in-depth written analysis of the case. The case report is expected to: o Describe the background and rationale of why to use SPC in the case company o Explain the steps used to establish the SPC system in the case company o Discuss the outcome and benefits of using SPC in the case company o Critique the use of SPC in the case company, such as whether SPC was applied properly, whether there are any potential problems in this SPC system, and what suggestions you can give to improve the SPC system in the packing process. Try to link the concepts and methods discussed in class (can be beyond SPC and include other quality management tools) with your analysis.

 The report should be written in paragraphs and include a proper introduction, proper transitions between sections (include section titles if needed), proper conclusion/closing statement, and proper citations of APA style in a reference list when applicable.

 Please refer to the case report grading rubric for guidance.

Fish Packaging Case Study Assignment Help


Grigg, N.P., Daly, J., and Stewart. M. (1998). Case study: the use of statistical process control in fish product packaging. Food Control, 9(5), 289-297.




(0 points)


(1 points)


(2 points)


(3 points)

Identification of Main Issues/Problems

Applied if there is no report

Identifies and describes an acceptable understanding of some problems in the case study

Identifies and describes a comprehensive and accurate understanding of most problems in the case study

Identifies and describes a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the main issues in the case study

Fish Packaging Case Study Assignment Help

Analysis and Evaluation of Issues/Problems

Applied if there is no report

Provides an incomplete analysis of some of the identified problems

Provides a thorough analysis of most of identified problems

Provides a thorough analysis of all identified problems

Recommendations on Effective Solutions/Strategies

No suggestions or applied if there is no report

Gives out little actions and suggestions

Gives out a somewhat one- sided view and supports diagnosis/opinions with limited details and evidence


Gives out a critical view and supports diagnosis/opinions with well documented evidence

Links to Course Readings and Additional Research

No connection or applied if there is no report

Fish Packaging Case Study Assignment Help

Makes inappropriate or little connection between issues identified and the concepts studied in the class

Makes appropriate but somewhat vague connection between issues identified and the concepts studied in the class

Makes appropriate and powerful connection between issues identified and the concepts studied in the class

Writing Mechanics and Formatting Guidelines

Applied if there is no report

Writing is unfocused with unclear expression and incomplete sentences; lack of organization of ideas; contains serious spelling and grammar errors

Generally well-written with complete sentences and ordinary wording; organization is a bit unclear; there are a few spelling and grammar errors.

Well-written with complete sentences and appropriate wording; Display a clear organization of ideas; contains no spelling and grammar errors

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