Direct to Consumer (D2C) E-Commerce

Direct to Consumer (D2C) E-Commerce

TOPIC: Direct to Consumer (D2C) E-Commerce

We are witnessing a move to the world of direct-to-consumer businesses. The word on everyone\’s lips in the world of consumer entrepreneurship is direct to the consumer. These kinds of businesses have changed the way customers spend their money and forced traditional players to rethink their business models and practices social media and off-the-shelf e-commerce tools mean it\’s easier to start a business than ever before and this has given rise to a whole bunch of companies that design markets sell and ship their products themselves by bypassing middlemen but building a DTC business is no easy feat, and so in this research discussion, we will explore the entrepreneurial journey by reading and analyzing paper 16

Please read the paper carefully and watch the video ( Link: which discusses these issues with three successful entrepreneurs in this field. Then address the following question and support your discussions with other academic resources.

  1. What      is your overall evaluation of this particular study? Only 50 words!
  2. Do      you think the same concept is applicable here in the USA? Only 100 words!
  3. Which      one of the three strategies do you find more pertinent? Why? Only 50      words!
  4. Given      that the pure-online and the multi-touch-point strategy are mutually      exclusive, in what manner do you think they can be combined into direct      sales via a digital platform with a platform strategy? Explain!

1. Post 800-850 word answer in total
2. Cite your sources (APA 7.0 ed) (minimum of 5 references)

3. Offer at least two 300-400 word comments (replies) to posts from your peers’ discussions.

  • TOPIC: Direct to Consumer (D2C) E-Commerce

    We are witnessing a move to the world of direct-to-consumer businesses. The word on everyone\’s lips in the world of consumer entrepreneurship is direct to the consumer. These kinds of businesses have changed the way customers spend their money and forced traditional players to rethink their business models and practices social media and off-the-shelf e-commerce tools mean it\’s easier to start a business than ever before and this has given rise to a whole bunch of companies that design markets sell and ship their products themselves by bypassing middlemen but building a DTC business is no easy feat, and so in this research discussion, we will explore the entrepreneurial journey by reading and analyzing paper 16\"Direct

    Please read the paper carefully and watch the video ( Link: which discusses these issues with three successful entrepreneurs in this field. Then address the following question and support your discussions with other academic resources.

    1. What      is your overall evaluation of this particular study? Only 50 words!
    2. Do      you think the same concept is applicable here in the USA? Only 100 words!
    3. Which      one of the three strategies do you find more pertinent? Why? Only 50      words!
    4. Given      that the pure-online and the multi-touch-point strategy are mutually      exclusive, in what manner do you think they can be combined into direct      sales via a digital platform with a platform strategy? Explain!

    1. Post 800-850 word answer in total
    2. Cite your sources (APA 7.0 ed) (minimum of 5 references)

    3. Offer at least two 300-400 word comments (replies) to posts from your peers’ discussions.

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