Code of Ethical Conduct Assignment Help

Nursing Practice

Code of Ethical Conduct Assignment

Scenario 6. You are the administrator of a preschool in Ohio. One of your teachers tells you that she suspects that bruises on a 5-year-old child’s arms are signs of abuse. This child’s parents recently divorced, and the child is now living primarily with the mother. The teacher is not sure who the abuser is but the child’s withdrawn behavior in class is also becoming a concern. Explain the advice you would give the teacher, including how you would approach this situation; information to include in the initial report; where to submit the report; the timeline for reporting the information; and any specifics about confidentiality. Support your response with information from mandatory reporting laws and the “NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct”. (Length requirement: 2–3 paragraphs)

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Not Present 1

Needs Improvement 2

Meets Expectations 3

Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 2: Demonstrate knowledge of mandatory reporting responsibilities for administrators.

Learning Objective 2.1:

Demonstrate knowledge of mandatory reporting responsibilities for administrators.

Explanation is missing. Response provides a vague or partial description of appropriate actions and recommendations that adhere to mandatory reporting responsibilities for early childhood professionals. Response provides a clear description of appropriate actions and recommendations that adhere to mandatory reporting responsibilities for early childhood professionals.

Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response specifically cites relevant law(s).

Sub-Competency 3: Explain the ethical responsibilities for early childhood administrators as outlined in the “NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct.”

Learning Objective 3.1:

Explain the ethical responsibilities for early childhood administrators as outlined in the “NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct.”

Explanation is missing. Response references some principles and ideals related to families and communities from the NAEYC Code that are not relevant to the scenario. Response references the appropriate principles and ideals related to families and communities from the NAEYC Code that are relevant to the scenario.

Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response addresses challenges the administrator might experience in relation to the NAEYC Code.

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