Career Search Information Assignment Help
For this assignment you will conduct research on the career path you plan to pursue, and develop a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:
1. Professional Organizations – Find a minimum of three professional organizations that may help you get into your desired career field.
1. American Psychological Association –
2. American Academy of Forensic Psychology –
3. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology –
2. Volunteer Opportunities – Identify volunteer opportunities related to the field you are pursuing that would help you confirm the field is right for you. Career Search Information Assignment Help
2. Volunteer-Victim/Witness Advocate for the Mohave County Attorney’s Office
3. Interview – Interview someone in the professional field you are pursuing.
4. Program of Study Requirements – Provide a brief summary of the requirements needed to complete your program of study.
1. Completion of Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, and Doctoral Degree in Psychology, with possible licensing in clinical psychology.
2. It would be wise to become Board Certified for Forensic Psychologists to demonstrate my understanding of my profession.
3. Possible internship for 1-2 years.
5. Career Search Information – a) Find a job description for your ideal or “dream” job on or another job site; Forensic Psychologist b) Compare the job description of the job to the program of study you are in; I am in the Masters of Science in Forensic Psychology, below is the description of the job
1. The position requires a forensic examination specialist, trained by Federal law as a licensed psychologist who is cognizant of courtroom procedures and is familiar with the issues of competency and responsibility as they relate to examinations ordered under Title 18, U.S. Code, Sections 4241 and 4242. Evaluates and/or supervises the evaluation of inmates to assess competency to stand trial and/or the offender’s responsibility for his behavior at the time of the offense. Prepares reports which detail the findings in support of the opinion rendered. This must include the ability to administer, score, and interpret a wide variety of psycho-diagnostic assessment instruments. Must also be prepared to explain or discuss these opinions as an expert witness before the court. Assists in interdisciplinary classification of inmates by identifying behavioral, emotional, personality disorders, organic mental disorders, alcohol or drug dependencies and/or self-destructive potential and the subsequent development of suitable suggested programs for the individual inmate. Formulates treatment program decisions, referring medical problems to the Medical Officer, and assists in decisions to transfer the inmate to more appropriate or specialized facilities. Examines candidates for the Witness Protection Program of the Office of Enforcement Operations. Career Search Information Assignment Help Is expected to organize and conduct pre-release reviews on inmates to determine if they suffer from a mental disease or defect that would present a danger to the persons or property of others upon release. Plans and performs both individual and group psychotherapy on a regularly scheduled basis. Consults with interdisciplinary staff teams in assessing program needs, and in developing and implementing program plans for individual inmates. Must have the ability to develop psychological treatment modalities for severely disturbed inmates. Along with all other correctional institution employees, incumbent is charged with responsibility for maintaining security of the institution. The staff correctional responsibilities precede all others required by this position and are performed on a regular and recurring basis.

6. c) Explain what courses in the program are going to give you the skills you need to succeed in that job;
1. Contemporary and Ethical Issues in Psychology, Theories of Criminal Behavior, Psychology and the Legal System, Research Methods, Psychopathology of Crime, Offender Rehabilitation and Reintegration
d) Explain what you need to personally do to ensure you gain the skills in those courses.
1. I need to stay focused on my studies
Career Search Information Assignment Help
2. I need to learn everything I possibly can
3. I need to take notes and work on memory retention
Additional Requirements:
1. Presentation should be 10 – 12 slides in length. This includes a title/introduction slide and a reference slide.
2. Speaker notes that expand upon the content of your slides are required.
3. The content presented in your PPT must be supported by a minimum of three to four credible sources.
4. You may include recorded narration for your presentation.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
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