Business Intelligence Discussions
QUESTIONS 1. The terms data, information, and knowledge are often used interchangeably. But as this chapter discussed, they can be seen as three points on a continuum. What, in your opinion, comes after knowledge on this continuum? 2. What is the difference between tacit and explicit knowledge? From your own experience, describe an example of each. How might an organization manage tacit knowledge? 3. What does it take to be a successful competitor using business analytics? What is IT’s role in helping build this competence for the enterprise? Business Intelligence Discussions Help 4. How do social analytics aid an organization? 5. Why is it so difficult to protect intellectual property? Do you think that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is the type of legislation that should be enacted to protect intellectual property? Why or why not?
6. What are the critical success factors for a project manager? What skills should managers look for when hiring someone who would be successful in this job?Business Intelligence Discussions Help 7. Price water house Coopers has an elegant, powerful intranet knowledge management system called Knowledge Curve. Knowledge Curve makes available to its consultants and auditors a compendium of best practices, consulting methodologies, new tax and audit insights, links to external Web sites and news services, online training courses, directories of in-house experts, and other forms of explicit knowledge. Yet, according to one of the firm’s managing partners, “There’s a feeling it’s underutilized. Everybody goes there sometimes, but when they’re looking for expertise, most people go down the hall.” 25 Why do you think that Knowledge Curve is underutilized?
APA Paper Formatting Basics
- All text should be double-spaced.
- Use one-inch margins on all sides.
- All paragraphs in the body are indented.
- Make sure that the title is centered on the page with your name and school/institution underneath.
- Use 12-point font throughout.
- All pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner.
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