Assessing the Abdomen Assignment
A male went to the emergency room for severe mid-epigastric abdominal pain. He was diagnosed with AAA; however, as a precaution, the doctor ordered a CTA scan.
Because of a high potential for misdiagnosis, determining the precise cause of abdominal pain can be time-consuming and challenging. By analyzing case studies of abnormal abdominal findings, nurses can prepare themselves to better diagnose conditions in the abdomen.
The Case Study/Scenario:
Assessing the Abdomen Assignment Help
Jason, a 13-year-old male comes in with Mom complaining of painful swallowing. Started yesterday as a “really bad sore throat” made worse with swallowing. He reports feeling very tired. His Mom gave him over-the-counter Children’s Motrin which made his fever better but did not help his sore throat. He reports his symptoms are especially, worse during nighttime. His tonsils are 2+ and erythematous, tonsil stones are present on the right side. He has white patches on his tongue
The Question
In this Case Study
Assessing the Abdomen Assignment Help
1. Use the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template and create an episodic/focused note about the patient in the case study.
2. Consider case studies of abnormal findings from patients in a clinical setting.
3. Determine what history should be collected from the patients, what physical exams and diagnostic tests should be conducted.
4. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
5. Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case.
6. Formulate at least Five differential diagnoses with several possible conditions and justify why you selected each.
Assessing the Abdomen Assignment Help
APA Paper Formatting Basics
- All text should be double-spaced
- Use one-inch margins on all sides
- All paragraphs in the body are indented
- Make sure that the title is centered on the page with your name and school/institution underneath
- Use 12-point font throughout
- All pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner
- The manual recommends using one space after most punctuation marks
- A shortened version of the title (“running head”) should be placed in the upper left hand corner
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