Visual Analytics Dataset Assignment
First phase the assignment idea:
The first task is to find a dataset and identify a business problem or a series of interesting questions. You must analyze and visualize real-world data. In order for you to have the greatest chance of success with the final outcome, it is important that you choose a manageable dataset.
Visual Analytics Dataset Assignment Help
- The data should be readily accessible and large enough that multiple relationships can be explored. As such, your dataset must have at least 8 Measures and 8 dimensions. (exceptions can be made but you must discuss with me first).
- To assist you in choosing a feasible problem and dataset, check with me by email about your idea for approval by 04/12/2022.
- Informal discussions with the professor can help to refine the assignment.
- Here are some links you can check to get data (but not limited to, so you can still do your search and find a dataset):
Popular open data repositories: Visual Analytics Dataset Assignment Help
UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository:
Kaggle datasets:
Amazon’s AWS datasets:
Data Portals:
Open Data Monitor:
Assignment Requirements:
You need to use and apply the Visual Analytics concepts that we discussed in the class.
- Data Discovery: Show how to use Tableau as a tool to explore the dataset to understand what data you have visually. For example, you can generate at least four graphs to discover some relationship between fields. Visual Analytics Dataset Assignment Help
- Questions: Your visualization must be able to answer the proposed questions. A good question may involve in two or more attributes (variables) and related to time or spatial information. You may need to revise your questions several times to tell a good story. You must have five questions.
- Calculations: You must use Table calculations along with another type of calculations (like Row-Level, Aggregate calculations or LoD expressions). Explain why you used this type of calculation. You need to use at least 4 calculations.
- Visualization: At least 8 or more different visualizations must be used. Use different types of visualizations. Make sure to follow the guidelines to create informative and effective charts.
- Dashboard : must be included. The dashboard must be interactive. You need to have at least one parameter. You need to design the dashboard by following the dashboard format guidelines. Visual Analytics Dataset Assignment Help
Assignment Report (Word Document):
A narrative description of the business problem should be addressed.
- Introduction: Start with a draft of the introduction section of your assignment. This introduction should introduce your business problem and the potential solution.
- Explore the Data: Describe what Tableau Techniques you used to discover and understand the data. List all the charts that you created with enough description about each.
- Questions: Clearly state all the five business questions.
- Calculations: Describe all the calculations that have been made to the data. Include the functions, charts and the results. Visual Analytics Dataset Assignment Help
- Visualization: Include screenshots for all the generated charts along with the Dashboard. Under each graph, discuss how this chart answered the business question and the find the insights.
- Conclusion: Write down your final results and conclusion about the findings. Suggest solutions/actions that the business needs to take in order to solve the problems.
- Format: APA
Submission Checklist:
- Dataset file: original file and the modified one in case if you did any modifications.
- Tableau workbook (.twbx).
- Report document (.doc).
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