The Living Constitution Sources:
David A. Strauss, “The Living Constitution,” University of Chicago Law School (27 September 2010).
The | University of Chicago Law School ( (Links to an external site.
Joe Carter, “Justice Scalia explains why the “” is a Threat to America,” Acton Institute PowerBlog (14 May 2018).
- The Living Constitution What is the difference between the concepts “ and “Originalism” in judicial interpretation? Which perspective do you find most convincing? Please explain.
David A. Strauss, “The Living Constitution,” University of Chicago Law School (27 September 2010).
The| University of Chicago Law School ( (Links to an external site.
Joe Carter, “Justice Scalia explains why the “Living Constitution” is a Threat to America,” Acton Institute PowerBlog (14 May 2018).
- What is the difference between the concepts ” and “Originalism” in judicial interpretation? Which perspective do you find most convincing? Please explain.
David A. Strauss, “The Living Constitution,” University of Chicago Law School (27 September 2010).
The | University of Chicago Law School ( (Links to an external site.
Joe Carter, “Justice Scalia explains why the “” is a Threat to America,” Acton Institute PowerBlog (14 May 2018).
- What is the difference between the concepts “Living Constitution” and “Originalism” in judicial interpretation? Which perspective do you find most convincing? Please explain.
David A. Strauss, “,” University of Chicago Law School (27 September 2010).
The | University of Chicago Law School ( (Links to an external site.
Joe Carter, “Justice Scalia explains why the is a Threat to America,” Acton Institute PowerBlog (14 May 2018).
- What is the difference between the concepts “ and “Originalism” in judicial interpretation? Which perspective do you find most convincing? Please explain.