Technology Research Project Guidelines

Nursing Practice

Technology Research Project Guidelines

Choosing a Topic:

The topic must be a specific technology of emerging importance to technology in business.    This technology needs to be something that is new (either still in development or it has come out within the last year).  Also, the technology must be related to computers, networking, or information systems.  For example, if you choose the new 802.11ax wifi protocol as your specific technology that you are focusing on, wireless technologies would be the general topic area.


You are the expert on the specific technology and general topic area – thus you will need to do research on the topic to be able to create an appropriate research website.


Part 1: Research Website (85% of grade)

For this project, you will be creating a website that has six pages on it.  Pages 2, 3, 4, and 5 should each include a picture relevant to the content and each should have 4-6 paragraphs of text:


In the past, students have preferred using and to create webpages as they tend to be fairly easy to use.  But it is up to you to pick a webhosting company that you would like to use for creating your webpages.  There are many tutorials online on how to create webpages and most webhosting companies tend to have help pages available on their website.  As most students in the past have not needed a tutorial, we are not covering webpage design in this class, but if you need assistance, feel free to contact your instructor.


Here are the six pages you will need to include:


  • Title Page (Title of research, your name, and picture of technology)
  • History of General Topic Area (Historically, what developments have led to the current state of technology?)
  • Current State of General Topic Area (Provide an overview of the general topic area)
  • Description of the Technology (What specifically is the technology you have selected? Provide an in-depth description of how this technology works.  Evaluate the usefulness of the technology.)
  • Impact on Business/Industry (How is the technology impacting business today? How might an industry change because of this technology?  In what ways might this technology be used in businesses in the future?  Be creative in describing potential future uses of this technology)
  • Bibliography (Citation of sources)


When you complete the website, please put two things into a Word document and submit this document through Blackboard: 1) The webpage link to the homepage of your website; 2) Paste the text from all six pages from your website into the Word document.  Formatting does not matter at all in the Word document as the only purpose for pasting the text is because the text will be automatically scanned by Blackboard for plagiarism.


Part 2: Learn from the Data Analytics projects of other students (15% of grade)

The technology research project website addresses of everyone in the class will be posted a couple days after Part 1 is due.  For Part 2 of the research project, you will need to choose 5 projects of others in the class.  In a Word document, write the following four things about each of the five project websites that you choose to read:

1) Author (name of student who created the website)

2) Title

3) Write one sentence on what you found to be the most interesting about the new technology

4) Write one sentence about why you either agree or disagree with the author’s perspective on how the technology will impact business/industries.

Submit this file to Blackboard by the due date.




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