Team Dynamics Observation Paper Assignment Help

Nursing Practice

Team Dynamics Observation Paper Assignment

What makes teams work while others don\’t? Why do some teams gel so quickly while others never click? Why do some teams transcend individual efforts to perform as a whole, while others remain ineffectual? Why do some team members become lifelong friends and others never want to speak to each other again? One of the most effective methods for answering questions like this is through careful and systematic observation. It is through the meticulous art of observation that the unseen forces of group dynamics emerge and become more obvious. Unseen forces like, fears, beliefs, prejudices, organizational norms, habits, patterns, and cultural taboos constrain and limit team dynamics. Equipped with this knowledge, ideas to improve both team effectiveness and relationships become clear. For this paper, you will observe a team in action and analyze the dynamics. Team Dynamics Observation Paper Assignment Help

Your paper should include the following criteria:

Situation Description

Effectively describe the situation and team that you will be observing. Briefly provide details about the background and the history of this team, the nature, purpose, setting, and location of the team. Again, be brief!

· Describe the details that are important and relevant to your overall observation and findings.

Observation Analysis

Observe the unseen forces in the following four criteria. The questions that follow are to guide and inspire your observations and subsequent analysis. Team Dynamics Observation Paper Assignment Help

· Team Formation (i.e Stages)

· What stage is the team in? Do they transition from any stages? What is the catalyst for the transition?

· Who speaks (and who doesn’t speak), when, how often, and with what effect?

· How well is the group functioning?

· Team Leadership

· How are authority and power being used? What is the relationship between the facilitator and participants?

· How dependent or reactive are participants toward the formal leader?

· Is an informal leader emerging or leading?

· Who is carrying the work of the group (see and unseen)?

· Team Communication Team Dynamics Observation Paper Assignment Help

· To what extent are participants contributing to building and harnessing the whole group versus advocating independent positions? Does the group move toward integration, homogeneity, or heterogeneity?

· Team Conflict

· What is the tendency of each group member with regard to inclusion, control, acknowledgment, or recognition of others, and how robust and direct are interactions?

· How do participants respond to tension, expressions of feelings, acts of leadership, and differing viewpoints?

· Do individuals/the group as a whole fight or flee? Do individuals coalesce, acquiesce, react, or join in?

· Which values or ideals seem to be causing conflicts? Team Dynamics Observation Paper Assignment Help

Insights Gained

· Identify and discuss three specific insights you gained through this observation activity, and about the power of observing the unseen forces that enable you to more effectively facilitate and develop teams in the workplace.



Tips for observation:

1. You might need to introduce yourself to the team and explain your project. Direct any questions to your instructor, if need be.

2. Take notes on your observations during and after the observation.

3. Observation should last between 20-60 minutes. Team Dynamics Observation Paper Assignment Help

4. Ideas on teams to observe (these can be live or recorded)

· Workplace team (member or not)

· Community committee meeting

· Sports team

· Volunteer meeting

· Public/government meeting

· You can also choose to watch a movie about teams and team development:

· Remember the Titans

· Mighty Ducks

· Hoosiers

· Drum Line

· Tuskegee Airmen

· Glory

· Coach Carter

· Miracle

· Inside-Out

· Invictus

APA Style

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