Supervision Management Assignment Instructions
Change happens at a very rapid pace in our modern technological society and it can be very stressful and difficult on companies. Your job, as a supervisor, is to help manage the change and lead your company to a more productive era
Supervision Management Assignment part 2
You have been chosen by your CEO to prepare a brief for your company to explain the new changes that the organization will be experiencing. The CEO chose you because you are known to have your finger on the pulse of the workers. The CEO told you that he has heard numerous rumors of low morale, employees looking for new jobs, possible strikes (your workers are union) and even threatening comments. Your company is Green Transportation, a small local company that takes normal gasoline engine vehicles and transforms them to bio-fuel vehicles. You have transformed buses, garbage trucks, tow trucks, and numerous other vehicles for your community (a town of 100,000 people). Your company has been very successful and is looking to expand your services to a nationwide business and in a few years, to international locations. You can “make up” facts to help your brief, just make sure your work is pertinent to the course material.

Supervision Management Assignment APA Paper Formatting Basics
- All text should be double-spaced.
- Use one-inch margins on all sides.
- All paragraphs in the body are indented.
- Make sure that the title is centered on the page with your name and school/institution underneath.
- Use 12-point font throughout.
- All pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corne
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Change happens at a very rapid pace in our modern technological society and it can be very stressful and difficult on companies. Your job, as a supervisor, is to help manage the change and lead your company to a more productive era