Strategic  Family therapy outline

Nursing Practice

Strategic  Family therapy outline


Unit of Treatment: Who will be included in therapy?

Goals for Treatment: What are your goals for treatment, given the model\’s primary objectives?


Identify potential DSM-V Diagnosis


Presenting Problem: What is the primary conflict that the family/couple/individual hopes to address?
Strategic  Family therapy outlineCircular Hypotheses (Case Conceptualization)

  • Role of the Symptom: What type of relationship does the family have with the symptom?
    • Family as Ineffectual Challenger of the Symptom
    • Family as “Shaper” of an Individual’s Symptoms
    • Family as “Beneficiary” of the Symptoms
  • Subsystems:Identify the various subsystems of the system
  • Cross-Generational Coalitions:Are there any cross generational coalitions (If Applicable)
  • Complementarity: What are the complementary roles in the system·
  • Hierarchy:Identify the boundary type the system operates under.
  • Family Development:What stage of family development is the system in?

Additional Points of Conceptualization: Outline legal and ethical considerations, issues of safety or crisis, client strengths, spirituality, physical illness, and/or diversity. That may impact your work with this family. Strategic  Family therapy outline

Interventions and Treatment: Outline treatment goals and devise a treatment plan using specific strategies and techniques. Describe the treatment plan and strategies in detail and explain your reasons for choosing the strategies used and why these will help reach therapy goal(s).Strategic  Family therapy outline





Jeremy is a 14-year-old Caucasian male referred for a family evaluation and treatment a week or so after his release from the hospital following treatment for a diabetic coma. Jeremy had been treated for juvenile-onset diabetes since he was 7. His diabetes was reasonably controlled with diet and daily insulin injections and blood sugar checks, which he did himself. Besides this chronic medical problem, his health was good. He is the younger of two siblings, his sister, Maggie, being 8 years older. His mother, Ann, admits that Jeremy was an unplanned pregnancy and that her moderate social drinking during her pregnancy might have had some bearing on his diabetic condition. Jeremy had done reasonably well in school, had a few friends at his school, and was quite involved with scouting and coin collecting. Jeremy’s sister is married and living out of state. His parents separated about 7 months ago, and Jeremy lived with his mother in the family home. However, he spends most weekends with his father, Mark, living in a nearby apartment. Mark continued the affair that had led to the separation, and Ann had begun dating. Needless to say, Jeremy was confused and frightened by these changes. Three weeks before the evaluation, Mark said that he was planning on getting married in 6 weeks. Later that day, Jeremy stopped taking his insulin and went off his diet. Two days later, he was found unconscious in his room by his mother, who rushed him to the emergency room, where he was diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis, treated, and released. Jeremy’s parents immediately rushed to his bedside and, putting their animosity aside, planned how they could support Jeremy as best they could. His father moved back into the family home and spent all his free time with Jeremy. The family was back together again, at least for a while. As things stabilized, his father moved back to his apartment and went forward with his wedding plans. The next day, Jeremy was taken by ambulance to the hospital, where he was treated for a diabetic coma. The pediatric endocrinologist who consulted on the case told the parents that Jeremy had nearly died and that his body was unlikely to sustain another incident such as this. Recognizing that family dynamics were involved, the doctor made the referral.Strategic  Family therapy outline

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