Soft power Concept Paper Final Paper Guidelines
The topic of your final research paper is on the last slide of Module Four lecture
We started by examining the rise of “soft power” as a concept. But does this
concept still matter in international relations today? If not, what has happened in
America, China, and elsewhere in the past decade that has rendered this concept
obsolete? If your answer is “yes”, then why do you believe that soft power still has
a market in the world today? What can governments and society do to further
enhance its importance? Soft power Concept Paper
When I grade, I will not anticipate ground-breaking argument. What I will be
looking for is solid evidence that you can use concepts learned from readings AND
lecture notes to make sense of real-world events. So, you must make use of these
two resources (readings and lecture notes). Also, your paper needs to have a
binding argument that can connect all the materials together, and the binding
argument needs to be presented in paragraph one.
Page length: 6-7 pages not including bibliography page; double-spaced (no
punishment for going over; paper shorter than FIVE pages will NOT be accepted)
Font size and format: size 12; Times New Roman
No strict requirement for citation/quotation format; either endnote or footnote is
acceptable; when citing the readings, please identify page numbers; when citing
lecture notes, please mark “lecture notes” in parentheses. A page of bibliography is
required to be attached at the end. This page is NOT counted as part of the length
requirement. Soft power Concept Paper
Deadline: 11:59pm, July 24; 5 points will be deducted for every hour the
paper is latefor. No paper will be accepted after 7am on July 25.
No strict requirement for citation/quotation format; either endnote or footnote is
acceptable; when citing the readings, please identify page numbers; when citing
lecture notes, please mark “lecture notes” in parentheses. A page of bibliography is
required to be attached at the end. This page is NOT counted as part of the length
requirement. Soft power Concept Paper
Deadline: 11:59pm, July 24; 5 points will be deducted for every hour the
paper is latefor. No paper will be accepted after 7am on July 25.