Social Science
You will be required to create your own personal or professional code of ethics based on the NASW or NBCC model. You will upload this here in canvas.
This should include an introduction to who you are, a bit of your background as you feel comfortable sharing, and your intentions in social services. The introduction is followed by your principle values. Your values will then dictate a list of 6-10 ethical codes that you aspire to follow in your life. Give examples of how you developed your code of ethics and possible when you failed to keep your standard or you achieved your standard and how it may have hindered or helped you.
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You will be required to create your own personal or professional code of ethics based on the NASW or NBCC model. You will upload this here in canvas.
This should include an introduction to who you are, a bit of your background as you feel comfortable sharing, and your intentions in social services. The introduction is followed by your principle values. Your values will then dictate a list of 6-10 ethical codes that you aspire to follow in your life. Give examples of how you developed your code of ethics and possible when you failed to keep your standard or you achieved your standard and how it may have hindered or helped you.
You will be required to create your own personal or professional code of ethics based on the NASW or NBCC model. You will upload this here in canvas.
This should include an introduction to who you are, a bit of your background as you feel comfortable sharing, and your intentions in social services. The introduction is followed by your principle values. Your values will then dictate a list of 6-10 ethical codes that you aspire to follow in your life. Give examples of how you developed your code of ethics and possible when you failed to keep your standard or you achieved your standard and how it may have hindered or helped you.
You will be required to create your own personal or professional code of ethics based on the NASW or NBCC model. You will upload this here in canvas.
This should include an introduction to who you are, a bit of your background as you feel comfortable sharing, and your intentions in social services. The introduction is followed by your principle values. Your values will then dictate a list of 6-10 ethical codes that you aspire to follow in your life. Give examples of how you developed your code of ethics and possible when you failed to keep your standard or you achieved your standard and how it may have hindered or helped you.
You will be required to create your own personal or professional code of ethics based on the NASW or NBCC model. You will upload this here in canvas.
This should include an introduction to who you are, a bit of your background as you feel comfortable sharing, and your intentions in social services. The introduction is followed by your principle values. Your values will then dictate a list of 6-10 ethical codes that you aspire to follow in your life. Give examples of how you developed your code of ethics and possible when you failed to keep your standard or you achieved your standard and how it may have hindered or helped you.
You will be required to create your own personal or professional code of ethics based on the NASW or NBCC model. You will upload this here in canvas.
This should include an introduction to who you are, a bit of your background as you feel comfortable sharing, and your intentions in social services. The introduction is followed by your principle values. Your values will then dictate a list of 6-10 ethical codes that you aspire to follow in your life. Give examples of how you developed your code of ethics and possible when you failed to keep your standard or you achieved your standard and how it may have hindered or helped you.