Respond To Oliva Post

Oliva Post

  • Is Turing’s test the right way to approach the idea of intelligence? In other words, if you have a conversation with a computer and you believe that you are talking with a human, would that computer be intelligent? Why or why not?

I do not believe that Turing’s test is the right way to approach the idea of intelligence. While I would agree that certain computer systems can do extraordinary things, I do not think it should be considered intelligence. This is because as far as my knowledge on computers goes, they are only able to do as much as we code them to do. Meaning, computers are nothing without human interference. If I were to have a conversation with “someone” online and it turned out to be a computer, I would think the computer possessed less “intelligence” than that of a real person I could have a conversation with. This is because I think a crucial part of intelligence is the human factor. When I have conversations with coworkers, for example, they are hearing my words for the first time and actively dig from their own personal memories and experiences to formulate a unique response to what I am saying. So while I think computers are highly advanced systems that can perform certain “roles” very well, I do not think they are the way we should really measure intelligence.

  • How are human thinking and machine computing similar in function of memory? How are they different?

I think human thinking and machine computing are similar in function of memory, because both systems work to pull data/memories that would be relevant to the question or topic at hand. These systems operate very differently at the same time, because while I use personal experiences as a base for my own intelligence, computers use whatever data is given to them. Another major difference is that I will recall past experiences with a certain bias or subjective way of thinking. This is because my memory may take into account body language, tone, and other underlying factors that only I would know. A computer cannot take into account these factors, so it will often have a pretty objective, blunt response to whatever data it is trying to receive.

  • Do you think it’s possible for computers to ever think or be as intelligent as humans? Why or why not?

I don’t think it is possible for computers to ever be as intelligent as humans, because computers will never be able to feel genuine human emotion. It is a very unique experience that cannot be transferred into a technological system or any form of artificial intelligence. Emotion serves as motivation for most of our perspectives/opinions, and I think it would be impossible to assume that computers would ever be able to account for that factor. Artificial intelligence may be able to act as such through pre-written dialogues, but these systems will never be able to form their own opinions. Therefore, they will never be as intelligent as humans.

I think the topic of human intelligence really applies to emotional intelligence. This is because we often draw upon our own empathy and other emotional skills we’ve learned in order to tackle certain issues during our day to day lives. I think that in order to have human intelligence, we must first have a strong sense of emotional intelligence.

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  • Post an article, video, or visual to reinforce a peer’s idea or challenge them to see their point from a different perspective.
  • Engage in conversation with your peers around the topic of intelligence. Consider asking a question or sharing your own personal experience.

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Oliva Post

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