Professional Marketing Assignment Enquiry MRK430 – Professional Selling – Sales Strategy Report ( SSR) – Report 2 of 2
Presentation and Submission of the SSR reports Professional Marketing Assignment Enquiry
NOTE: There will be NO extensions on this portion of the report
- All late reports will receive a mark of zero.
- Use the same two-pocket folder that was used for Sales Report 1. Please ensure that your name and section are on the front cover.
- Include a copy of your “SSR Report #1. If this are missing you will receive a 10% deduction off your final mark.
- Ensure that everything is supported with facts when ever possible. Don’t invent the information unless it is impossible to find specific facts and the professor has given approval.
- Sales Strategy Report #1 & #2 Assignments are word documents. Please use them as the templateto prepare your reports.
- Cheating and Plagiarism:Each student should be aware of the College’s policy regarding this subject. Please take the time to read Seneca’s Academic Policy, Section 8.8. Use this information for reference when submitting any written or oral components for evaluation.
Note: * Make sure you use MLA to cite your work
Your “Sales Plan” is divided into Two (2) individual “Reports” that are worth 25% of your final grade. The objective of your “Sales Plan” is to describe how you will execute the six (6) steps of the “Trust-Based Relationship” Selling Model. Your SSR’s will help you prepare for your individual “Sales Video Presentation” (25% of your final grade).
Sales Strategy REPORT # 2 Assignment (15% of final grade) Professional Marketing Assignment Enquiry
Due Date: Week 9
Step #1 The Approach
- Your introduction to the buyer
- General conversation
- Reason / Benefit of taking time for this meeting
- Transition to business discussion
Step 2 – Needs Assessment
In Professional Sales your focus is on “ Helping the buyer to make a SMART purchasing decision”. To do this it is critical to have an understanding of your prospect’s needs. While much of this is learned and confirmed in the needs analysis step of the sales call it is critical for the well prepared sales person to research potential needs ahead of the call.
Potential Problems and/or Opportunities = NEEDS of Prospect Company
Problem/Opportunity | Benefit Solution |
1) | |
2) |
Using SPIN present a list of the questions you will be asking the buyer to both uncover needs and confirm needs you are aware of. Use SPIN to make these needs important enough to take action.
List two SITUATION Questions:
List three PROBLEM Questions
List Three IMPLICATION Questions:
List three NEED-PAYOFF Questions:
Step 3 – Presenting Solutions