Problem Solving and Collaboration Unit 3 Group Project
Assignment Overview
Unit: Problem Solving and Collaboration
Due Date: Tue,7/27/21
Grading Type: Numeric
Points Possible: 185
Points Earned:
Deliverable Length: 46 page business plan; 1page individual paper
Type: Group Project
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Assignment Details
Learning Materials
Reading Assignment
My Work:
Online Deliverables: Submissions, Discussion Board, Group Live Chat
My Group: Group 1
Email Group
9:52 PM (CT)
Assignment Details
Group Member Contact Group Work Submissions
McDole, Retonya [email protected] No submissions
Dange, Swapnil [email protected] No submissions
Assignment Description
Group Portion
You and your team should meet to determine a business that you would like to start.
All subsequent communication should take place through email and other workgroup software that is available in the Small Group area, such as discussion board and chat area.
Using these methods of communication, as a group, develop a 46page business plan for your new business.
The 46page business plan must include the following:
The product or service of the business
Business goals and problem being solved
Background of your management team and key employees
The potential market for the product or service
The competitive advantage of your business
How the business will be organized and financed
You may want to outline the plan first to make sure you are not forgetting important information, then start filling in each section. If you need more information on what is
discussed in each of these sections of a typical business plan, search the Internet.
Please Note: You are creating an abbreviated business plan, not as indepth as a real one, but containing all the essential elements.
Submit the business plan to the small group submittal area. Be sure to use APA style, cite your sources, and support your statements.
Individual Portion
After your group has met and decisions made about the business, and the plan has been created, compose a 1page summary about the approaches used during the project to
solve business problems. In other words, what problemsolving strategies and techniques were used during the decisionmaking process regarding the various aspects of the
business plan? Problem Solving and Collaboration
Submit to the small group submittal area.
Be sure to use APA style, cite your sources, and support your statements.
Please add your file.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Grading Criteria
Project Criteria Exceeds: 90%–100% Very Good: 80%–89% Meets: 70%–79% Needs Improvement: Below 70%
Response covers all topics indicated
in the assignment and adds additional
Response covers most topics
indicated in the assignment.
Response covers many of the
topics indicated in the
Response covers none to some of the
topics indicated in the assignment.
Demonstrates outstanding or
exemplary application of written,
visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates
outstanding expression of topic, main
idea, and purpose. Audience is
addressed appropriately. Language
clearly and effectively communicates
ideas and content relevant to the
assignment. Errors in grammar,
spelling, and sentence structure are
minimal. Organization is clear.
Format is consistently appropriate to
assignment. Presentation and
delivery are confident and persuasive
(where applicable). The writing was of
collegiate level with no errors in
spelling or grammar.
Demonstrates very good written,
visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates
sound expression of topic, main
idea, and purpose. Audience is
usually addressed appropriately.
Language does not interfere with the
communication of ideas and content
relevant to the assignment. Errors in
grammar, spelling, and sentence
structure are present, but do not
distract from the message.
Organization is apparent and mostly
clear. Format is appropriate to
assignment, but not entirely
consistent. The writing was of
collegiate level with two or less errors
in spelling or grammar.
Demonstrates acceptable written,
visual, or oral skills.
Demonstrates reasonable
expression of topic, main idea,
and purpose. Sometimes,
audience is addressed
appropriately. Language does not
interfere with the communication
of ideas and content relevant to
the assignment. Errors in
grammar, spelling, and sentence
structure are present and may
distract from the message.
Organization is a bit unclear.
Format is inconsistent. The
writing was of collegiate level with
several errors in spelling or
grammar. Problem Solving and Collaboration
Demonstrates inadequate or partially
proficient application of written, visual, or
oral skills. Demonstrates inadequate or
partial expression of topic, main idea,
and purpose. Audience is often not
addressed appropriately. Language often
impedes the communication of ideas and
content relevant to the assignment.
Errors in grammar, spelling, and
sentence structure are frequent and often
distract from meaning or presentation.
Organization is inadequate, confusing,
and distracting. The format is inadequate
and obscures meaning. The writing was
less than collegiate level with numerous
errors in spelling or grammar.
Analysis exceeds minimum
requirements. Sources are used to
support analysis, are appropriate, and
are properly referenced.
Basic analysis provided to support
assertions. Sources are cited,
appropriate, and properly referenced.
Limited analysis provided to
support assertions. Some
sources are cited, appropriate,
and properly referenced.
No or inaccurate analysis, no sources
are cited when needed, analysis and/or
sources are not appropriate. When
sources are used, they are not properly
Planning and
Execution of
Student participated fully, offered
significant contributions to the
development of a plan that identified
all necessary tasks. Student
demonstrated exceptional team skills
in most of these areas: collaboration,
leadership, consensus building,
negotiation, conflict resolution,
respect, problem solving,
management, organizational, time
management, etc. Supported other
team members at the highest level.
Student participated at an adequate
level (85%), offered reasonable
suggestions for the development of a
plan that identified nearly all
necessary tasks. Student
demonstrated very good team skills
in several of these areas:
collaboration, leadership, consensus
building, negotiation, conflict
resolution, respect, problem solving,
management, organizational, time
management, etc.. Provided support
to other team members.
Student participated in a limited
fashion and contributed very little
to the development of a plan that
identified some of the necessary
tasks. Student demonstrated at
least one team skill (i.e.
collaboration, leadership,
consensus building, negotiation,
conflict resolution, respect,
problem solving, management,
organizational, time
management, etc.).
Student participation and contributions
were extremely insignificant to nonexistent. Student failed to demonstrate
any team skills (i.e. collaboration,
leadership, consensus building,
negotiation, conflict resolution, respect,
problem solving, management,
organizational, time management, etc.).
Reading Assignment
Laudon & Laudon, chap. 2, 11, & 14
Assignment Objectives
Apply problemsolving strategies and management decision making.
Other Information
There is no additional information to display at this time.
Extra Credit View Assignment Rubric Problem Solving and Collaboration