Practice of immersion experience

Nursing Practice

Practice of immersion experience  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3



Practice of immersion experience  The purpose of this assignment is to prepare the student for nursing practice at the doctoral level through a practice immersion experience in alignment with DNP Essential VI. The student will utilize the practice site of their choice to evaluate and make recommendations for practice regarding a complex practice or organizational issue involving multiple healthcare disciplines that a nurse leader might encounter.

  1. The Unit 5 Practicum Assignmentis worth 150 points and will be graded using the designated rubric. Grading criteria include quality of content, appropriate citations, use of Standard English grammar, and overall organization and readability.
  2. Create your assignment using a Microsoft Word application. The document should be saved in a .doc or .docx format.
  3. The paper should be 3 to 5 pages in length excluding title page and reference pages and appendix. Content should be rich and concise.
  4. APA format is required.
  5. The following sections should be included and denoted through APA section headings in the paper:
      1. Executive Summary
        1. Introduction to Current situation
        2. Objectives Practice of immersion experience
  • Strategies
  1. Action Program
  2. Financial Expectations
  1. Appendix A: Interview transcript
  2. Appendix B: Media materials for implementation

Preparing the paper:

    1. Decide on a complex practice or organizational issue involving multiple healthcare disciplines that a nurse leader might encounter.
    2. Do a brief literature search to determine the scope of the problem.  Review best practices as stated in the literature surrounding the problem.
    3. Examine a practice model that applies to the host organization and addresses the issue. How does the model incorporate the role of various disciplines? How does it address the problem? How might you determine if this model is effective through utilization of national standards and scholarly inquiry?
    4. Identify at least three professions/disciplines that might be directly or indirectly involved in addressing the issue.
    5. Interview at least one person from each of the three disciplines who may have experience involving the complex practice or organizational issue being explored (within or outside of the organization). What role does each discipline play in addressing this issue? Is there a particular practice model, guideline, policy, standard of care, or other scholarly product that guides this discipline on this problem? Provide rationale and explanation for this standpoint. Specifically, discuss how the practice model you examined in step three might apply to this discipline? How does this discipline work in conjunction with other members of the team to address this issue? Are there scheduled meeting times regularly? As needed? What would be necessary to adequately address the issue at hand? Submit a transcript of the interview for at least one interview per discipline.
    6. Based on your findings, propose a plan for addressing the complex practice issue through a multidisciplinary approach. Utilize a practice model, guideline, policy, standard of care, or other scholarly product as a tool in the proposed plan. (You should not create one of these, instead use one that is supported by scholarly evidence that applies to the issue.)
    7. Ask permission to present an implementation plan through an appropriate venue to the organization. (One example might be creating a YouTubepresentation that will go on the organization\’s intranet or social media site. Another example might be presenting a practice model, guideline, policy, standard of care, or other scholarly product at a board or staff meeting.)
    8. Disseminate your plan to an organizational leader. Acceptance of dissemination is not required for successful completion of this project. However, the student will still be required to ask and create as though they would disseminate and implement the policy. One tip: if the students’ offer is not well received, consider submitting a media item (ppt/YouTubevideo) that explains the proposal to an organizational leader.Practice of immersion experience \"Practice
    9. In your final submission, include an executive summary detailing your intervention, the literature that supports this, and the scholarly product utilized (This should be a pre-existing model/policy/other scholarly product as listed above). Additionally, attach the transcript of your interview and any media materials for the intervention that was implemented or disseminated.





15 pts


The issue is introduced including significance to nursing leadership and the host organization. Pertinent background information or scholarly evidence are presented to support the intervention proposal. Current situation is fully explored including discussion of practice model, it’s relation to various disciplines, the issue, and how this might relate to the vision/mission of the organization. Three disciplines are identified as well as the role they may play in addressing the problem.





30 pts


Identifies clearly at least 3 objectives of the proposed intervention. The objectives proposal is measurable and realistic and directly relates to an element of patient care, health care organizations, or research. The proposed intervention plan will directly meet the objectives listed within the timeframe specified.





20 pts


Discussion includes specific strategies to meet objectives listed. Includes current organizational culture issues to be addressed, what internal or external resources currently exist that could be utilized, potential internal/external resource acquisition may be required to accomplish the objectives, and strategies for utilizing these resources appropriately. Briefly discuss methodology for intervention, evaluation, and analysis phases.





20 pts


Identify specific initial steps that will be taken to accomplish the listed objectives. Provide appropriate timelines for each action as well as timeline for completion of the intervention and evaluation of the intervention. Discuss specific stakeholders that should be involved in the action plan, who will contact them and how, as well as timelines for this. Action plan will result in meeting objectives.







30 pts


A brief summary of financial implication is provided. Includes specific information pertaining to intervention, evaluation, and analysis phase relating to the host organization. All resources (including technology, stakeholders, consultants, etc) used in the action plan are addressed in this section with consideration to finances.




15 pts


Interview transcripts provided for at least one interview of three different identified disciplines. CV of all three individual interviewed provided as evidence that the person interviewed was appropriate for the topic being explored. Intervention media also submitted and is appropriate to the topic. Both of the following documents submitted: 1) Intervention media that is directly correlated with executive summary proposed intervention (or alternative method is used- i.e. evidence of email, attendance or scheduled attendance at a board meeting, etc.) and 2) Practice model, guideline, policy, standard of care, or other scholarly product supplied and correlates with topic of interest explored.





15 pts


Writing is relevant to the topic and is presented logically and clearly using standard English language. Direct course applications and synthesis of scholarly information is easily discernable. Word choice is correct, precise and unambiguous. Sentence structure is clear, concise and well- constructed. No grammatical or typographical errors.




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