Philosophy Homework Assignment Help

Nursing Practice
Philosophy Homework Assignment
Looking for help with philosophy assignment

Part a) read six passages, determine whether they contain an argument, an explanation, or a description. Explain your choice with direct reference to the meaning of the term you identify. Your answer should be sufficiently detailed to prove or demonstrate that your identification of the passages is correct

Part b) 
Using the tools for identifying parts of arguments in Units 1 and 2, analyze the arguments by bracketing and labelling the premises and conclusions in the passage. You must diagram the arguments using circled numbers, direction arrows, and brackets. You must also include a brief explanation of how you determined your diagram. Your explanation should be sufficiently detailed to prove or demonstrate that your identification of the argument is correct Philosophy Homework Assignment Help
Part c) 
Write one or two paragraphs (250–300 words) summarizing and analysing how the argument(s) in the follow passage are logically supported, drawing specifically on the methods demonstrated in Unit 2, Part 2. Specify the premises, conclusions, and how they relate to each other. Use indicator words to demonstrate relationships between the premises and the conclusion(s). Your summary should be sufficiently detailed so that someone who has not read the passage would have a clear and accurate understanding of the arguments you are summarizing.
Will provide passages and examples. 
Philosophy Homework Assignment Help

APA Paper Formatting Basics

  • All text should be double-spaced
  • Use one-inch margins on all sides
  • All paragraphs in the body are indented
  • Make sure that the title is centered on the page with your name and school/institution underneath
  • Use 12-point font throughout
  • All pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner
  • The manual recommends using one space after most punctuation marks
  • A shortened version of the title (“running head”) should be placed in the upper left hand corner
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