Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a thorough approach to solving clinical practice problems by integrating the best evidence from reliable studies. It also incorporates the expertise of a clinician to make decisions, patient’s values and preferences.
Nursing evidence-based practice is based on a medical procedure that involves developing principles through evidence, research, and analysis of theories. The intention of EBP is addressing changes in healthcare based on theories (nursing and non-nursing) developed by proper research.
Implementing EBP in nursing is a systematic review where reviewing research is based on the specific guideline to determine suitability as a standard in practice. The systemic review helps to make sense from much available information.
Essential steps of the EBP process involve these steps.
Assessing the need for change: The assessment entails formulating a hypothesis or research question based on modern practice gaps
Locating best evidence: Location of evidence entails assessment evidence or some peer-reviewed articles for credibility, relevance, and reliability. You compare and contrast the sources available.
Evidence synthesis: comparing and contrasting available sources of evidence. The purpose is to establish the similarities and differences to decide the best approach.
Design change: The subsequent step after synthesizing evidence is creating a change based on the available evidence. You draft a change implementation plan in a clinical setting.
Implement and evaluate change: Initiating change after design happens through change advocates like nurses and nurse leaders. It is at this stage that a new process establishes in practice. You can ensure the success of the change management plan by following different change management theories.
Integrating and sustaining change: Integrating is adopting new evidence that contributes to implementing change. The adoption happened through a policy or guidelines in clinical settings. It entails continuous improvement to gain the best.
Examples of Nursing Evidence-Based Practice
- Infection control.
No patient expects to get an HAI (hospital-acquired infection) after spending some time at a healthcare facility. Nurses have a significant role in preventing infections at a hospital by practicing evidence-based practice infection control procedures. The policies include maintaining a clean environment, correct hand washing, wearing protective gear, and implementing barrier precautions. Nurses have many responsibilities that make them ever-busy but taking time to prevent infections is worth trouble.
- Non-invasive blood pressure measurement in children
Accuracy when taking measurements is crucial for effective practice, so nurses should adopt EBP when measuring blood pressure. The procedure to measure BP in children is different from that of adults. The right way to measure blood pressure in children is to use the auscultator method and compare the measurements against data taken through the oscillometric process.
- Blood administration by intravenous catheter size
Nurses must follow EBP to administer blood for PRBC using intravenous catheters. The protocol requires nurses to maintain patient comfort by using smaller-gauge catheters.
Topics of Nursing Evidence-Based Practice
- Depression and aromatherapy
- Sedation management
- Buprenorphine cure for opioid addiction
- Role of a registered nurse in administering anesthesia
- Effects of Sero-ventilation therapy
- Modern insomnia treatments
- Importance of the Mini-Cog Screening Tool.
Nursing Areas that require more use Evidence-Based Practice
Nurses are now using EBP more than before, but there is still room for increasing its use. Nurses should adhere more to EBP in some of the areas below.
- Soft skills for improving interaction with patients
- Communicating changes in the status of patients
- Shift scheduling
- Training of new nurses
The backbone of EBP is evidence meaning there is a need to keep researching. Research from print and online sources on EBP can reveal numerous supporting facts. New research and evidence become available frequently, allowing access to the latest information. EBP should adapt the recent evidence as old practices should start changing when new research overturns their principles.