Business Management skills assingment help

Nursing Practice

Business Management skills assignment

Business Management skills should Demonstrate your critical thinking, research, and visual communication skills through the powerful visual communication you created that can be used to explain the concept of your selected topic to your peers.

Your assignment must use the visual communication tool from this course: Gamification Your visualization must use the topic you selected to address all of the following points:

  1. Analyze current issues and practices in organizational learning, development and leadership, and current theory from psychology.
  2. Examine strategic planning, succession planning, leadership developing strategies, and diversity in organizational settings.
  3. Conduct an organizational audit/environmental scan addressing issues that impact organizational effectiveness.
  4. For more Business Management skills
  5. Design a strategic plan, systems, and processes that address the issues that impact the performance of an organization.

Include the summary of how your business management skills topic and visualization could be used in strategic planning, leadership development strategy, or diversity in organizations, and how you might use the topic to teach on conducting an organizational audit, performing an environmental scan, how to improve organizational effectiveness, conducting a strategic planning, system thinking, or process improvement. Also include how it affects current organizational issues, practices in organizational learning, leadership development, and current psychological theory.Business Management skills assignment

If you are using an online tool, place the summary and an outline of your presentation in a Word document and include the link to the online presentation.  If you are not using an online tool, save your presentation as a PDF.

Required References

Business Management skills assignment references requires but not limited to the following

  • Blank, S. (n.d.). Disruptive innovation process. Retrieved from
  • Foreman, P. (n.d.). Innovation mind map. Retrieved from
  • Harvard Business. (2012, March 6). Disruptive innovation explained. Retrieved from
  • Johnson, S. (2010, July). Where good ideas come from. Retrieved from
  • form of leadership development. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10(3), 507-527.
  • For more Business Management skills
  • Meister, J. (2013, September 9). Gamification in leadership development: How companies use gaming to build their leader pipeline. Forbes. Retrieved from
  • Morrison, C. (2014, May 1). The gamification of organizational learning. American Management Association. Retrieved from,
  • Soydanbay. (2013, November). Gamification as an organizational development tool [Blog post]. Retrieved from
  • Star, K. (2013). Playfluence: Influencing behaviour through play. Retrieved from
  • Sweetrush. (n.d.). 4 reasons games work. Retrieved from

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