Management homework help


Watch the following video and Take Notes.

Then write a 2 page  discussing the 3 concepts in the video. Also, discuss how you feel about the future of brick and mortar Retailers, and what you would have to do as a Retail Manager to gain market share from the online business.


2 page in APA format

12 pt. font, double Spaced

Cite and reference your sources (research how to cite in APA format)

Must include a Title Page (but will not be counted as part of your two pages)

“Title page” must include the identifying information below:

Student Name – Jane Doe

Assignment #

Cerritos College

BA118-Retail Management

Instructor: Name



For Management homework help,click here


Watch the following video and Take Notes.

Then write a 2 page  discussing the 3 concepts in the video. Also, discuss how you feel about the future of brick and mortar Retailers, and what you would have to do as a Retail Manager to gain market share from the online business.


2 page in APA format

12 pt. font, double Spaced

Cite and reference your sources (research how to cite in APA format)

Must include a Title Page (but will not be counted as part of your two pages)

“Title page” must include the identifying information below:

Student Name – Jane Doe

Assignment #

Cerritos College

BA118-Retail Management

Instructor: Name



Watch the following video and Take Notes.

Then write a 2 page  discussing the 3 concepts in the video. Also, discuss how you feel about the future of brick and mortar Retailers, and what you would have to do as a Retail Manager to gain market share from the online business.


2 page in APA format

12 pt. font, double Spaced

Cite and reference your sources (research how to cite in APA format)

Must include a Title Page (but will not be counted as part of your two pages)

“Title page” must include the identifying information below:

Student Name – Jane Doe

Assignment #

Cerritos College

BA118-Retail Management

Instructor: Name



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