IT Vulnerability Memo Assignment
Your task this week is to check the internet and the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) List for networked IoT or IoMT devices with publicly known problems identified in the past six months.
Select two devices related that might be relevant to the organization setting and review what is known about the vulnerabilities of these devices.
For each device, include background information about the device, a description of the vulnerability, possible solutions that have been identified to fix the vulnerability, and your recommendation on whether the organization should avoid the product. IT Vulnerability Memo Assignment Help
Use this Memo Template to record your work.
How Will My Work Be Evaluated?
In writing a clear and concise memo to inform management about potential vulnerabilities, you are demonstrating communication skills, technical expertise, and responsiveness to stakeholder needs and concerns.
The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:
- 1.2.1: Identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication.
- 1.3.4: Balance original content with supporting sources.
- 1.4.1: Produce grammatically correct material in standard academic English that supports the communication. IT Vulnerability Memo Assignment Help
- 2.1.1: Identify the issue or problem under consideration.
- 10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved.
- 10.1.3: Define the specifications of required technologies.
- 12.1.1: Determine business needs that require policies, processes, and procedures.
- 12.3.1: Select controls.
- 12.3.2: Describe the implementation of controls.
IT Vulnerability Memo Assignment Help
APA Paper Formatting Basics
- All text should be double-spaced
- Use one-inch margins on all sides
- All paragraphs in the body are indented
- Make sure that the title is centered on the page with your name and school/institution underneath
- Use 12-point font throughout
- All pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner
- The manual recommends using one space after most punctuation marks
- A shortened version of the title (“running head”) should be placed in the upper left hand corner
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