IT Course Analysis Paper Assignment
An essential element for graduate level student learning is written and oral reflections on experience within the field of study combined with the elements of the course. To have an experience isn’t enough to ensure learning; you need to intentionally and thoughtfully reflect upon the experience and what you learned from it to ensure that learning occurs. IT Course Analysis Paper Assignment Help
Towards this end, students are required to complete this analysis and reflection assignment. This reflection is intended to help you focus in on what you are learning, identify issues or concerns on your mind, explore an idea more deeply, or in other ways enhance your learning about the course topics, yourself, and others. This assignment should be structured to address the following:
- What have you learned through this course? IT Course Analysis Paper Assignment Help
- What stands out to you, feels new to you, excites you, or challenges you?
- Why does this learning matter?
- Why does it stand out to you?
- Why is it important – to you personally or in the bigger picture?
- What do you do from here?
- How will you take this learning with you?
- Does this learning change your perspective, your career goals, or your interests?
IT Course Analysis Paper Assignment Help
Your reflection should be 7-10 pages long (double spaced) and should dig deeply into this experience to reflect on your learning. It should connect to academic concepts and critically examine your own development through this learning. You will be graded based on the reflection rubric provided.
View RubricAnalysis Paper ScoringAnalysis Paper ScoringCriteriaRatingsPtsSelf-disclosureview longer description/ 50 ptsConnection to outside experiences, readings, class discussionsview longer description/ 100 ptsGrammar/Spellingview longer description/ 25 ptsLength requirement metview longer description/ 25 pts
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