investigate a particular aspect in international security

Nursing Practice

investigate a particular aspect in international security.

We are going to use the Social Science research methodology by making use of a Grounded Theory and a specific case study to investigate a particular aspect in international security.


The Case Study type of Grounded theory allows for us to investigate a particular topic inductively, meaning that we can proceed from the specifics of the case study itself to arrive at conclusions that are more general in nature.


It is for these reasons that we are using Grounded Theory in this course, and also because it provides us with flexible way to approach our Research Question and test our Hypothesis using an approach that is inductive and qualitative.


It will take a few steps for us to get there, and each of the writing assignments in this course (writing assignments 1 — Case Study; and Writing Assignment 2 — Grounded Theory) are intended to help you complete your final research paper (writing assignment 3) .investigate a particular aspect in international security.

For this writing assignment (Writing Assignment 1 — Case Study), select a case study that you would like to examine in depth. A case might be a specific peacekeeping mission or a civil war or a specific group of people, like a drug cartel or a terror group or it could be a specific decision or policy. This case study will serve as the basis of your analysis using Grounded Theory.

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and develop a specific case study for use in your research paper. 

Introduction (one paragraph): Introduce broadly the topic you intend to investigate. Give your reader an idea of why you are writing this research paper. What are the most recent events in your topic? Your topic should have a beginning and an end date. It should be explored through a specific case. Give a narrative hook to get the reader to keep reading. Put that in the very first paragraph of the paper.

Statement of the Problem (one paragraph): Based upon your Introduction, narrow the focus of your research to something within the topic that is specific enough to research in this assignment. This needs to be included to show why you are asking your question and why this is an important issue.

Research Question: Present a Research Question that identifies the topic and scope of your research in a single, clearly worded open-ended question that is not able to be answered with a \”yes\” or \”no\” response. This should be the conclusion to the Statement of Problem paragraph and written in the form of a question.

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