Interracial Politics and Multiplicity Assignment Help

Nursing Practice

Interracial Politics and Multiplicity Assignment
(1) What does Lowe identify as the “master narratives” of Asian American culture? In what ways
do these master narratives obscure the heterogeneity of Asian American communities? How
is this evident in the poetry and novels she includes in her chapter? Are these master narra-
tives present in your experiences with Asian American families and communities?
(2) What are the different dangers of essentializing Asian American identity and culture? How
does essentialism reinforce dominant frameworks of racism? How does it hinder less power-
ful voices within the Asian American collective? In what ways does it function as an obstacle
to cross-racial alliances? Interracial Politics and Multiplicity Assignment Help
(3) What are the different sociological arguments and measures that scholars have used to argue
that Asian Americans are becoming white? What are the limitations of these arguments,
according to Kim? In what ways does Kim’s focus on citizenship and authenticity dispel the
argument that Asian Americans are becoming white?
(4) Why does Kim argue that racial assimilation theories must be more transnational, particu-
larly for Asian Americans? What relevance do America’s economic and political relationships
to Asian nations have on the racialization of different Asian American communities living on
US soil? How does this approach help us disaggregate the heterogeneous experiences of Asian
immigrant groups in the United States? Interracial Politics and Multiplicity Assignment Help
(5) What are some of the disadvantages that Asian American students face in their K–12 experi-
ences, especially with respect to teachers and curriculum? How do Asian American studies
programs in colleges address these problems? How do Asian American studies programs
continue to fall short?
(6) Throughout this book, we have read about the political impact of uniting under a single
Asian American identity. However, Ng and her colleagues argue for the “deliberate disag-
gregation” of Asian American groups. What are the potential advantages of disaggregating
the different ethnicities within the Asian American umbrella? In other words, what might we
uncover when we do this? Do you feel there are any disadvantages to doing this?


Interracial Politics and Multiplicity Assignment Help
(7) According to Ramakrishnan and his colleagues, how did the media explain Barack Obama’s
lack of support among Asian Americans during the Democratic primary race against Hillary
Clinton? How did media explanations differ from Asian American advocacy organizations?
What did the results from the National Asian American Survey show? How did support for
Obama change during the general election against John McCain?
(8) How did Ramakrishnan and his colleagues measure “race-based considerations” in their
analysis of the National Asian American Survey? What impact did race-based considerations
have on the Democratic primary and general election, respectively? In what other ways could
political scientists and other researchers effectively measure race-based considerations in
future studies?

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