Intermarriage and Multiracial Ethnicity Assignment
(1) Lee and Bean’s article adds another level of complexity to our understanding of the Asian
American population, calling attention to the increasing number of Asians who claim a mul-
tiracial background. In what ways has the new immigration contributed to the increasingly
racially and ethnically diverse populations in many parts of our country? Why do Asians
and Latinos in the United States evince higher rates of multiracial identification than blacks?
In what parts of the United States do we find higher rates of multiracial identification, and
why? Intermarriage and Multiracial Ethnicity Assignment Help
(2) What are the intermarriage patterns of Asian Americans and other immigrant groups? How
do these intermarriage patterns compare with those of African Americans? Why do sociolo-
gists see intermarriage as an important measure of assimilation? What are the implications
of these differences in intermarriage rates of Asian Americans versus other minorities in the
United States?
(3) According to Lee and Bean, what is the black/nonblack divide? How is this racial paradigm
distinct from the historical black/white binary? How do Asian Americans fit within the racial
framework proposed by Lee and Bean? In your opinion, is the black/nonblack divide appli-
cable to all parts of the country?
Intermarriage and Multiracial Ethnicity Assignment Help
(4) How are the state relations between the United States and Korea related to the rise of Korean
transnational adoption in America? What political and legal factors within the United States
contributed to the popularity of Korean transnational adoption?
(5) In what ways are Korean adoptees similar to other types of immigrants? In what ways are they
different? In particular, how does adoption at a young age influence the identity develop-
ment and assimilation process for Korean adoptees? Given their high levels of acculturation,
what strategies have they used to deal with their racial experiences (e.g., in their art, activism,
academics, organizations)?
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