Information Technology SCM Case Analysis Help

Nursing Practice

Information Technology SCM Case Analysis

Please provide feedback to the below. 350 words – double spaced APA Style. Must be a substantial and meaningful feedback.


One of the things many organizations do to determine training needs is to conduct a needs analysis. Check out this article released by SHRM discussing how to conduct a needs analysis. Link:

As it relates to an international setting, what factors should be considered in the a training needs analysis? Information Technology SCM Case Analysis Help

Provide feedback based on topic and the below.


\”The pre-departure training should include an overview of the customs for the region the expats are going to. There should be job specific training and expectations overviews. The expats should have a clear understanding of what they should expect when they arrive. All travel and accommodations should be pre-planned with an overview of the procedures for when they arrive provided to the expats. There should be a common phrase language workshop in place. Many areas of Asia are English language friendly, however the expats should be prepared for those areas that do not. If the ability to provide translation services is available, the company should utilize these services. Information Technology SCM Case Analysis Help. The expats should be shown the different technology for the area as some have more advanced technology than what is available here. During the assignment, the expats should continue with training on the company\’s agenda. There should still be culture training as meetings with the local workers can be where many will falter. Simple gestures and phrases in the U.S. can be considered offensive and vice versa. After the expats return, there should be a review of the assignment. Items that went wrong should be reviewed and ways to prevent them in the future should be explored. The expats should be given an adjustment period as they become accustomed to life back in the U.S. Local technology changes rapidly, but not as rapidly as in Asia, so they will need to be retrained on the procedures at their home site.\”

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