Health Psychology Assignment

Health Psychology Assignment G.S  Re: Topic 8 DQ 1
End-of-life is a care given in the period leading up to death. When it is acknowledged by all involved that death is inevitable (Razmaria, 2016). In today’s world view patient’s who suffer from illness or cancer, that are getting worst they decide to have a end -of – life care to which the goal is to prevent or relieve suffering as much as possible, with these comfort needs near the end-of-life include: physical comfort, mental, and emotional needs, spiritual needs, and need in everyday task, that the health care will be allow to give some medication for appropriate pain. For me end-of-life care should be a decision that will help each other emotionally and physically, however the most important decision is that having faith and believing in God can get us through with the decision that we will make. If for some reason that I would be in that position and to make a choice, I would do what is right, no pain medication or anything that will ease the pain, I would trust God to give me the medication. In spiritual concept, I would wait for that time for me to go home to Our Father in heaven, I believe suffering comes in in our life, however some people do not want to see them loved one is suffering or go through painful situation but ethically and spiritually it is not right for a person to choose to end his/her life. Health Psychology Assignment
We cannot take someone’s life because of the pain and suffering, spiritual needs can also be helpful to which can include finding meaning in one’s life or resolving unsettled issues with family or friends, talking to family and friends all the good memories, and allowing the opportunity to resolve disagreements can be helpful with these could also bring additional peace of mind to the person (Johnson,  & Acabchuk, 2018)
Razmaria AA. End-of-Life Care. JAMA. 2016;316(1):115. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.2440
Johnson, B. T., & Acabchuk, R. L. (2018). What are the keys to a longer, happier life? Answers from five decades of health psychology research. Social science & medicine (1982)196, 218–226.
2)  T.A              Death with Dignity Act
I believe sound minded individuals should have the right to seek aid in dying (AID) means. I support the Death with Dignity Act (DWD) 100%, and wish the United States of America Supreme Court could rule that the right to die does in fact support the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. Although it has been given many titles throughout the centuries, assisted medical suicide, right to die, aid in dying, death with dignity, it all comes down to the same concept which implies a person has the right to say they want to end their life. In 1828, Washington v. Glucksheet was brought to the New York Supreme Court regarding physician assisted suicide. The courts ruled that physician assisted suicide was not a liberty protected by the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment (Blakey, 2020). Today we have individual states who can decide whether or not they support the DWD Act, or they feel it is illegal. Oregon was the first state in the US to legalize AID. Today we have 11 states that honor AID: California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. Aside from the misery and pain a person must suffer from their terminally illness, I think it is important to look at the financial burden that comes with a loved one at this time. The expenses of staying in a hospital long term is ridiculous. Honestly, staying in the hospital over any period of time for any circumstance is ridiculous. If a parent wishes to leave their children with an inheritance over spending all their retirement on medical needs, they should be able to make that decision. Ethically, I strongly believe a person should have the choice to end their life. Because we all have different faiths and beliefs, we should not view this as a religious right. We should not chastise a person for wanting to do what they feel is best for them. After all, it is not you enduring the pain they are feeling day in and day out. It is not you who will end up gasping for your last breath and slowly suffocating. This is a personal choice that needs to be well thought out, well planned out, and decided while one is in optimal health. I also feel we have a lot we can learn from the Netherlands regarding how they see AID. For starters, all citizens have the medical care, and therefore because the cost of medical care is not a burden, they tend to have regular visits with their physician (Blakey, 2020). In 2016, the Netherlands extended the AID to elderly who are not terminally ill, rather feel they have lived a full fulfilling life and do not want to keep living (Blakey, 2020). Also, the Netherlands have reduced the age to 12, allowing children to have a say so about living or dying when diagnosed with a terminal illness. I think we all need to keep in mind, this is not a doctor killing a patient. This is a doctor prescribing the drugs to a patient so the patient can take the medication on their own.
Have a great week!
Health Psychology Assignment
Blakey, D. (2020). A Comparative View of the Law, Ethics, and Policies Surrounding Medical Aid in Dying in the United States and Netherlands. Washington Unive Health Psychology Assignment
3)   S.M      Re: Topic 8 DQ 1
Good Evening Class,
Most people go through many trials in life that can cause depression to set in and they may not feel any other way out. Personally, I would never choose to take my own life, however, I feel that everyone has their judgement to face when they die. My faith teaches me that God is the final judge and he gives life to each of us to serve him and others with a pure heart with love and care. I think life should be lived daily and I read one of my favorite scriptures daily, Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. Ths scripture has helped me focus in that regardless to what is happening whether good or bad, it will work out for my good because God ordained it that way. I have been through enough bad to know that the good outweighs it and it will get better.
Often people are faced with financial issues, health issues, emotional issues dealing with family and possible career decisions that seem to overwhelm their mind leaving them with a sense of loneliness and out of control emotions. If they do not possess the tools to assist them to overcome, they can begin to feel like they have no other choice. I have had several friends and even a family member who made the decision to end their life own their own. My uncle was battling depression from his divorce and he was making it day by day. While going through his divorce he became ill and was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. This was the final straw for him because he decided he did not want to be a burden on anyone and he took his own life. While I understand he felt he had to do this, he did not realize that our family continued to suffer from grief in knowing he did not feel enough love to allow us to help him. Most people who make this choice never realize that while they have ended their suffering, the families are left to deal with the loss and emotional turmoil from their decision. I hope that if anyone ever gets to this point that they begin to ponder the decision to end their life that they would allow their family or friends to show them the love they need because if they succeed in their decision to end their life, the suffering for their family and friends continue beyond their passing. Health Psychology Assignment
4)  G.S   Re: Topic 8 DQ 2
Good morning
According to the textbook (Sarafino, & Smith,2017), there are many factors that affect health psychology’s future that these some factors can have a broad impact on health psychology affecting the amount and a type of research, clinical intervention, and health promotion activities that the bottom line of one of these factors is monetary (TOVIAN,2004).
Some funding is also depending on how health insurance and services are structured that in today’s medical view health care system are changing rapidly in some other countries, another factor that can impact health psychology’s future is education, students that are undergraduate during health psychology can do non-psychology in fields such as nursing, premedical public health, and sociology. Biological factors affect the growth of health psychology, psychological factors include inherited personality traits and genetics conditions, and social factors include such things as social support system, family relationship and cultural belief (Sarafino, & Smith,2017),
Sarafino, E., & Smith, T. (2017). Health psychology: Biopsychosocial interactions (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN-13: 9781119299486
5) S.B      Re: Topic 8 DQ 2
Hi everyone!
The amount and type of research, clinical intervention, and health promotion activities can all be impacted within the field. One factor that has affected and may continue to affect the growth of health psychology is monetary reasons (Sarafino & Smith, 2017). How much financial support will be available for certain activities as well as cutbacks during economic struggles. Education and training is another factor that can impact the future of health psychology (Sarafino & Smith, 2017). There are many other fields of study that end up in undergraduate classes in health psychology. Those with positive views on the field will promote it’s study and research in the future. For those who go into medical fields such as nursing, premed, and public health the chances of them promoting health to their patients is quite high. Also development in medicine will impact the future of health psychology (Sarafino & Smith, 2017). As health problems persist and new problems occur, new psychosocial interventions will be needed to mitigate those problems while assisting families. When new treatments are discovered health psychologist are needed to when treatments are unfavorable and may impact mental health and quality of life.
Sarafino, E., & Smith, T. (2017). Health psychology: Biopsychosocial interactions (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN-13: 9781119299486
6) T.A   Re: Topic 8 DQ 2
A few factors that have affected the growth of health psychology include cost of health care, promoting healthy lifestyles across all age groups, utilizing research, and the advances in technology (Sarafino & Smith, 2017). Then current cost of health care is exceedingly high, which makes it a difficult choice for some to receive the help they need to maintain healthy. The more health psychologist we have available, the greater chance we have in preventing chronic illnesses, therefore reducing the overwhelming cost of health care. Since health psychologist use the biopsychosocial model, they have the ability to look at what is causing the illness on a broad spectrum; leaving nothing out on options of cures. When health psychologist are promoting healthy lifestyles, they are reducing risky behaviors, promoting exercise, and educating communities on the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, reducing the number of doctors visits, which in turn reduce the cost of health care. The use of research is a huge benefit for health psychologist. The use of ecological momentary assessment allows them to see behavior patterns and how individuals live on daily basis (Sarafino & Smith, 2017). By using this method, we can see why a person is less or more likely to give up negative health behaviors. Finally, as we develop new technologies, health psychologist will have the ability to better prevent certain illnesses as well as have better means of assisting those who have already been dealing with chronic illnesses (Sarafino & Smith, 2017). I personally believe until we get mental illness under control, we will have a long battle to assist people with the long-term effects that come with it.
Sarafino, E., & Smith, T. (2017). Health psychology: Biopsychosocial interactions (9thed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN-13: 9781119299486 Health Psychology Assignment

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