Health Informatics Assignment These are two discussion questions, could they be just about one page each.
Module 2
Ask an interesting thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
Answer a question in detail posted by another student or the instructor
Provide extensive additional information on the topic
Explain define or analyze the topic in detail
Share an applicable personal experience
Provide an outside source for example an article from the UC Library that applies to the topic along with additional information about the topic or the source please cite properly in APA
Note: There will be a major Health IT paper near the end of class that
also has you select an emerging healthcare technology to write about, so
if you read that assignment before completing this discussion post, you
may be able to utilize much of your work on this discussion post within
that paper as well.
Module 4
For this discussion post, watch the linked Youtube video https:// (60 minutes)
Write a discussion post detailing your thoughts on the video. Discuss
forms of telehealth that you learned about in the video that were new to
you. Also discuss any forms of telehealth that you have personally had
experience with. Finally, discuss specific examples of how you see
telehealth as a way to promote population health in both rural
communities as well as in the hospital setting.
To assist you, this is the APA citation to this Youtube video (you’re
[Harvard University]. (2015, May 18). TELEHEALTH: How New
Technologies Are Transforming Health Care [Video File]. Retrieve Health Informatics Assignment
These are two discussion questions, could they be just about one page each.
Module 2
Your reading assignments this week have taken you through the Human
Technology Interface and Informatics tools used to promote patient
safety and quality outcomes. For this discussion post, think about all of
the different health technologies that exist within healthcare
organizations today and describe how they are meant to improve patient
safety and quality. Also, how may they negatively impact quality of
safety if not used appropriately or effectively? Locate some specific
examples from journals in which there was a failure of technology that
negatively impacted quality and describe your thoughts on how to avoid
these failures.
Note: There will be a major Health IT paper near the end of class that
also has you select an emerging healthcare technology to write about, so
if you read that assignment before completing this discussion post, you
may be able to utilize much of your work on this discussion post within
that paper as well.
Module 4
For this discussion post, watch the linked Youtube video https:// (60 minutes)
Write a discussion post detailing your thoughts on the video. Discuss
forms of telehealth that you learned about in the video that were new to
you. Also discuss any forms of telehealth that you have personally had
experience with. Finally, discuss specific examples of how you see
telehealth as a way to promote population health in both rural
communities as well as in the hospital setting.
To assist you, this is the APA citation to this Youtube video (you’re
[Harvard University]. (2015, May 18). TELEHEALTH: How New
Technologies Are Transforming Health Care [Video File]. Retrieve Health Informatics Assignment