Evaluate the benefits and risks

Nursing Practice

Evaluate the benefits and risks

I have attached previous assessment 3 and 2. Now, i have assessment 4.  Need 5 pages of assessment 4

Analyze a policy or legislation, evaluate the benefits and risks, and consider how the policy could be improved in a 7-9 page paper

This assessment will tie all of the information that you have learned over the course, providing you an opportunity to analyze policy or legislation, reflect on your learning, and consider how you can apply your knowledge to future work.

Imagine you are working as a consultant and are contracted by a non-profit agency to examine the policy or legislation you selected in Assessment 2. The non-profit agency wants you to evaluate the benefits and risks of the policy or legislation you selected and provide recommendations for improving it. The non-profit requests a brief 7–9 page paper using recent scholarly references that they can show their board, which will use your information to determine funding priorities for the upcoming year.

Evaluate the benefits and risks

Using the policy or legislation you selected in Assessment 2, the paper should consider the direct or indirect influences of the policy or legislation on outcomes across various developmental domains such as social, emotional, physical, or cognitive. Additionally, the paper should consider ways the policy has positively or negatively impacted broader contexts such as families and society. Include your evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the policy and your suggested changes to the policy. Be sure to also consider issues of diversity in your recommendations.


The writing style should be direct and understandable for professionals who do not work in the field of psychology and include at least five recent peer-reviewed journal articles to support your ideas.

  • Overview (1 page).
    • Identify a policy and provide a descriptive overview of the policy.
      • Who is the policy intended to help?
      • Who developed the policy?
      • Was the policy developed under a specific developmental or theoretical framework?
      • What problem was the policy intended to solve?
  • Policy outcomes (4–5 pages).
    • What developmental domains could be impacted by the policy?
    • What are possible direct or indirect influences of the policy or legislation on each of the following areas:
      • Social development.
      • Emotional development.
      • Physical development.
      • Cognitive development.
    • What are the possible ways the policy or legislation has positively or negatively impacted broader contexts such as families and society as a whole?
  • Policy Evaluation (1 page).
    • What are the strengths of the policy?
    • What are the weaknesses of the policy?
  • Policy Recommendations (1 page).
    • Provide evidence-based recommendations for improving the policy.
    • Consider issues of diversity in your recommendations

  • Written communication:Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. It is direct and understandable for professionals who do not work in the field of psychology.
  • APA formatting: Any resources or citations must be formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards. Please refer to Evidence and APA.
  • Sources: At least five recent peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Length: 7–9 typed, double-spaced pages.

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