Ethical Decision Making

  1. Ethical Decision Making Discussion1 Ethical Decision Making for Leaders : 1 page references in APA format use text books as references:

After completing the free personal values assessment tool, discuss your top three values and what you have learned about these values? How do you think these values will impact your ethical belief and decision making? Ethical Decision Making
Text Book: Business Ethics Now by Andrew W. Ghillyer
Complete this activity in preparation for this week’s discussion and week five’s assignment – writing a personal ethics statement. When you register to take the assessment, please use your personal email so the Barrett Value Centre may forward you the results of your assessment. Once you receive the results, read them carefully, summarize the stated values, and be prepared to use the result in your week five assignment.
Personal Values Assessment (Free)
Ethical Decision Making

  1. Assignment 4 Ethical Decision Making for Leaders : 2 page references in APA format use text books as references:

After completing the Personal Values Assessment tool, submit a summary of your stated values using a column format. Column (1) – State the Value, Column (2) – Summarize the Value, Column (3) – Indicated if the value represents your personal life, professional life, and/or both.
Note: Teacher Email: Students, please use the column format as stated in the assignment. You must (1) document your personal values from the assessment tool, (2) you must summarize in your own words the meaning of each value from the assessment tool and other references – the references must be sourced beyond the textbook and resources that I have provided in the course, (3) you must state whether this value is learned behavior from your personal life, professional life, or both, and (4) you must document sources used in a reference list which does not have to be included in the columns. `Dr. Evette. Ethical Decision Making

  1. Assignment.2_ Strategic Project Management: 3 Pages page references in APA format use text books as references:

Logical Framework project plan – Part one of two (This is a 2 week assignment)
Using the Log Frame template from Figure 5.4 in the Verzuh text, begin drafting a Logical Framework project plan.
Submit 2-3 pages (not counting cover and references). Use APA format.
Text book: Verzuh, E. (2021). The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management (6ed.).  Hoboken, NJ.  John Wiley & Sons.  Ethical Decision Making

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