Essay for Summarizing Paraphrasing and Quoting

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Essay for Summarizing Paraphrasing and Quoting

First, go to the webpage where you read the essay So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Don’t Want To written by Roger Sipher and take notes of the main points.

Second, summarize the central point of the essay in your own words.

After that, choose one or two essential supporting points in the essay and paraphrase them.

Lastly, find words, phrases, or sentences that you believe should be quoted directly.

Once you have completed the practice above. Compare your summary, paraphrase, and quotation with the examples on this webpage

Essay for Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting

400 words , Essay for Summarizing Paraphrasing and Quoting


Essay for Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting

First, go to the webpage where you read the essay So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Don’t Want To written by Roger Sipher and take notes of the main points.

Second, summarize the central point of the essay in your own words.

After that, choose one or two essential supporting points in the essay and paraphrase them.

Lastly, find words, phrases, or sentences that you believe should be quoted directly.

Once you have completed the practice above. Compare your summary, paraphrase, and quotation with the examples on this webpage

400 words,


First, go to the webpage where you read the essay So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Don’t Want To written by Roger Sipher and take notes of the main points.

Second, summarize the central point of the essay in your own words.

After that, choose one or two essential supporting points in the essay and paraphrase them.

Lastly, find words, phrases, or sentences that you believe should be quoted directly.

Once you have completed the practice above. Compare your summary, paraphrase, and quotation with the examples on this webpage

400 words


For Essay for Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting help click here

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