English homework
(180 words, no works cited)
Consider the terms: cultural diversity, culturally diverse, culture, ethnic group, race, and people of color. Consider how you defined, understood, and used each of these terms in the past. For which 1-2 terms did your understanding change the most when reading the definitions? Why? What does that tell you about the type of work you may need to do, areas you may need to focus on during the course? What questions do you still have about these terms?
(180 words, no works cited)
Consider the terms: cultural diversity, culturally diverse, culture, ethnic group, race, and people of color. Consider how you defined, understood, and used each of these terms in the past. For which 1-2 terms did your understanding change the most when reading the definitions? Why? What does that tell you about the type of work you may need to do, areas you may need to focus on during the course? What questions do you still have about these terms?
(180 words, no works cited)
Consider the terms: cultural diversity, culturally diverse, culture, ethnic group, race, and people of color. Consider how you defined, understood, and used each of these terms in the past. For which 1-2 terms did your understanding change the most when reading the definitions? Why? What does that tell you about the type of work you may need to do, areas you may need to focus on during the course? What questions do you still have about these terms?
(180 words, no works cited)
Consider the terms: cultural diversity, culturally diverse, culture, ethnic group, race, and people of color. Consider how you defined, understood, and used each of these terms in the past. For which 1-2 terms did your understanding change the most when reading the definitions? Why? What does that tell you about the type of work you may need to do, areas you may need to focus on during the course? What questions do you still have about these terms?
(180 words, no works cited)
Consider the terms: cultural diversity, culturally diverse, culture, ethnic group, race, and people of color. Consider how you defined, understood, and used each of these terms in the past. For which 1-2 terms did your understanding change the most when reading the definitions? Why? What does that tell you about the type of work you may need to do, areas you may need to focus on during the course? What questions do you still have about these terms?
(180 words, no works cited)
Consider the terms: cultural diversity, culturally diverse, culture, ethnic group, race, and people of color. Consider how you defined, understood, and used each of these terms in the past. For which 1-2 terms did your understanding change the most when reading the definitions? Why? What does that tell you about the type of work you may need to do, areas you may need to focus on during the course? What questions do you still have about these terms?
(180 words, no works cited)
Consider the terms: cultural diversity, culturally diverse, culture, ethnic group, race, and people of color. Consider how you defined, understood, and used each of these terms in the past. For which 1-2 terms did your understanding change the most when reading the definitions? Why? What does that tell you about the type of work you may need to do, areas you may need to focus on during the course? What questions do you still have about these terms?
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