Cross Cultural Business Assignment Help

Nursing Practice

Cross Cultural Business Issues Task brief & rubrics


You are an executive assistant for a manager of a cosmetics company based in the USA. The company is considering expanding its operations and opening a branch in China and you have been asked to write a report looking at cultural working differences between the USA and China.

Referring to Hofstede’s dimensions and their effect on working practices, write a report about potential problems that could arise between staff from the two countries working together. Cross Cultural Business Assignment Help

Suggested source:

Hofstede, G.; Hofstede, G.J. & Minkov, M. 2010. Cultures and Organisations. New York: McGraw Hill


· Report style (sections, headings – introduction, findings, analysis, etc.)

· Wordcount: 1300

· Font: Arial 12 pts.

· The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.

Weighting: 60%



The following learning outcomes will be assessed: Cross Cultural Business Assignment Help

· Ability to select and present relevant findings in a concise written style according to word count

· Ability to analyse and interpretate evidence (eg. evaluating consequences, implications)

· Referencing following Harvard conventions (reference list and in text quotation or paraphrasing)

ou are an executive assistant for a manager of a cosmetics company based in the USA. The company is considering expanding its operations and opening a branch in China and you have been asked to write a report looking at cultural working differences between the USA and China.

Referring to Hofstede’s dimensions and their effect on working practices, write a report about potential problems that could arise between staff from the two countries working together.

APA Paper Formatting Basics

  • All text should be double-spaced
  • Use one-inch margins on all sides
  • All paragraphs in the body are indented
  • Make sure that the title is centered on the page with your name and school/institution underneath
  • Use 12-point font throughout
  • All pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner
  • The manual recommends using one space after most punctuation marks
  • A shortened version of the title (“running head”) should be placed in the upper left hand corner

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