Company Marketing Research Assignment Help
A COMPREHENSIVE APA analysis including knowledge you gained from the Read and Attend throughout the course (including Unit 5) to address the questions and statements below.
- 1200 words MINIMUM (not including cover/reference pages)
- A minimum of three scholarly sources are required, and all sources should be cited and referenced in APA format. Do not self-plagiarize from the previous weeks.
- Select a Fortune 500 company from
- Research the company’s most recent annual report. You might find easy access to your company’s annual report at
- Identify background information on the company, including the company name, ticker (stock) symbol, GICS Sector, and GICS Sub Industry. Company Marketing Research Assignment Help
- Summarize the products the company produces and sells, and who their target customers are.
- Describe factors that could shift the demand curve for the company’s product(s) (see the risk factors discussed in the K-10).
- Describe factors that could shift the supply curve for the company’s product(s) (see the risk factors discussed in the K-10).
- Describe whether the company’s product(s) would be expected to have an elastic demand or inelastic demand.
- Discuss the firm’s profitability with an explanation of the difference between accounting profit and economic profit.
- Examine the costs the company incurs and discuss whether the majority of costs are fixed or variable in nature.
- Describe the market structure that best describes the market the firm is in.
- Analyze how the market structure affects the profitability and pricing power of the firm.
Company Marketing Research Assignment Help
APA Paper Formatting Basics
- All text should be double-spaced
- Use one-inch margins on all sides
- All paragraphs in the body are indented
- Make sure that the title is centered on the page with your name and school/institution underneath
- Use 12-point font throughout
- All pages should be numbered in the upper right-hand corner
- The manual recommends using one space after most punctuation marks
- A shortened version of the title (“running head”) should be placed in the upper left-hand corner
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