Communication Campaigns Assignment
Benchmark-Speech Construction
Assessment Description
Public address (giving speeches) is a major part of communication campaigns. Prepare a speech that presents your campaign and will help gain the attention of your audience by doing the following:
- Write a speech that when delivered is between 5-7 minutes. The speech should be designed to help launch your communication campaign using a problem solution pattern. Communication Campaigns Assignment Help
- Along with the speech, in 250-300 words identify two additional methods for distributing the speech to the target group(s) you are trying to reach. Use a minimum of two sources to support your rationale for the methods of distribution of the speech.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite to check for similarity scores and plagiarism.
Benchmark Information
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies and professional standards:
Bachelor of Arts in Communications
Communication Campaigns Assignment Help
Public address (giving speeches) is a major part of communication campaigns. Prepare a speech that presents your campaign and will help gain the attention of your audience by doing the following:
- Write a speech that when delivered is between 5-7 minutes. The speech should be designed to help launch your communication campaign using a problem solution pattern. Communication Campaigns Assignment Help
- Along with the speech, in 250-300 words identify two additional methods for distributing the speech to the target group(s) you are trying to reach. Use a minimum of two sources to support your rationale for the methods of distribution of the speech.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite to check for similarity scores and plagiarism.
Benchmark Information
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies and professional standards:
Communication Campaigns Assignment Help
APA Paper Formatting Basics
- All text should be double-spaced
- Use one-inch margins on all sides
- All paragraphs in the body are indented
- Make sure that the title is centered on the page with your name and school/institution underneath
- Use 12-point font throughout
- All pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner
- The manual recommends using one space after most punctuation marks
- A shortened version of the title (“running head”) should be placed in the upper left hand corner
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