Code of Ethics for Health Education Assignment
For DQ4, I want you to tell us why cultural competence is an ethical issue.
As you reflect on this question, it may be beneficial to review the Code of Ethicsfor Health Educators, Public Health Ethics Resources, and the – Cultural Competence in Health And Human Services found below. I want you to explain to us why cultural competence should be part of one\’s ethical and professional behaviors.
Code ofEthics for the Health Education Profession:
CDC Office of Science Public Health Ethics Resources:
CDC National Prevention Information Network- Cultural Competence in Health And Human Services:
For DQ4, I want you to tell us why cultural competence is an ethical issue.
As you reflect on this question, it may be beneficial to review the Code of Ethics for Health Educators, Public Health Ethics Resources, and the – Cultural Competence in Health And Human Services found below. I want you to explain to us why cultural competence should be part of one\’s ethical and professional behaviors.
Code of Ethics for theHealth Education Profession:
CDC Office of Science Public Health Ethics Resources:
CDC National Prevention Information Network- Cultural Competence in Health And Human Services:
Code of Ethics for Health Education Assignment Help
APA Paper Formatting Basics
- All text should be double-spaced
- Use one-inch margins on all sides
- All paragraphs in the body are indented
- Make sure that the title is centered on the page with your name and school/institution underneath
- Use 12-point font throughout
- All pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner
- The manual recommends using one space after most punctuation marks
- A shortened version of the title (“running head”) should be placed in the upper left hand corner
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