Christianity and Culture Assignment
Your final assignment will be a 4- to 5-page Final Review and Reflection which requires you to choose one chapter from The Book that Made Your World and to reflect on the course overall. Guidelines are as follows:
Choose a chapter from The Book that Made Your World. (Except chapter 3 and chapter 7)
Very briefly introduce the author, the book, and the chapter.
Describe/ define the cultural issue at hand.
Discuss the Christian response to the cultural issue, according to the author and what you have learned about Christianity. E.g.: Christianity and Culture Assignment Help
What does the Bible say about this issue?
How is the Christian church responding to this issue?
How is the secular world responding to this issue?
What might be the reason for the differing approaches?
Describe your personal reaction to the ideas set forth in the chapter. E.g.:
Do you agree with the author on how the issue is framed? Is something missing?
Do you agree with the Christian response? Is the Christian response realistic? Christianity and Culture Assignment Help
Do the ideas in the chapter align with or challenge your idea of Christianity?
Have you seen examples of the Christian response in “real life”?
Discuss how this chapter ties into what you have learned in this class overall. E.g.:
Has anything changed about the way you view Christianity?
Has anything changed about the way you view your own culture?
Has anything changed about the way you view other cultures?
What does this chapter teach about how Christianity and culture has been understood by Christians throughout history?
Are there parallel contemporary challenges facing Christians and leaders today?
How do the lessons in the chapter help you develop a greater cultural awareness and ability to “read” culture? Christianity and Culture Assignment Help

What similar tensions arise in vocational and leadership contexts between Christianity and contemporary western culture?
Has anything changed about the way you see yourself?
Based on what you have learned, how might you be a better leader?
It is very important that you use your own ideas, experience, and future goals to respond to the ideas in the chapter and ideas in this class. Your story matters!
You may use outside sources to support your ideas, give examples, or enrich your paper. However, do not rely too heavily on outside sources or your paper will become a report on something other than your selected chapter and what you have learned in this course.
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