Case Study Philosophy Assignment Help

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Case Study Philosophy Assignment Help

Question 6. How does Nagel explore the so-called absurdity of human existence? Why does Nagel criticize Camus’ responses to the phenomenon of absurdity? Making sure to explain what Nagel means by self-fulfillment, how does he think it helps to get around the notion of meaninglessness? How can self-fulfillment be attained to a greater degree in Nagel’s estimation? How can self-fulfillment be squandered? Can self-fulfillment make life worth living even in the face of absurdity (as Nagel contends)? Why or why not?

Question 7. Explore E.D Klemke’s reasons for challenging transcendental sources of meaning. Are his arguments convincing? Why or why not? How does Klemke defend the notion that life can still be worthwhile if it appears to lack objective meaning? Why does Klemke champion subjective meaning over objective meaning? In your estimation, can subjective meanings be enough to make for a meaningful life? Why or why not? (Be sure to use some concrete examples to make your case). Case Study Philosophy Assignment Help

Question 8. Both Viktor Frankl and bell hooks highlight the importance of love in the search for meaning. Compare and contrast how they tie love into meaning. Make sure to explain what both thinkers define as love. What do you see as a strength and a pitfall regarding their perspectives? Do you think the modern United States presents any obstacles to such visions of love? Why or why not? Do you see love as crucial for living a meaningful life? Why or why not?

Question 9. Using her essay \”Love as the Practice of Freedom\”, compare and contrast bell hooks\’ notions of the \”systems of domination\” and \”the ethic of love.\” (make sure to define both phrases) Extrapolate why she believes systems of domination threaten meaning while the ethic of love enhances meaning. In her estimation, why do systems of domination threaten love? How does she wield examples from history to make her case? Do you think we can stand to learn anything from bell hooks\’ vision during the turbulent times of 2020 and if so what? Can her stance be incorporated into practice in the current day? What do you perceive to be the strengths and pitfalls of her position and why? Case Study Philosophy Assignment Help


Question 10. Imagine you are at a café and your friend asks you about your Meaning of Life class at UMB. You tell her about bell hooks and her key ideas in her essay \”Love as the Practice of Freedom.\” (make sure to cover the key concepts, especially \”systems of domination\” and \”the ethic of love\”–delving into what they mean and why they provide meaning). Explore in your conversation how love adds meaning while domination detracts from it. And banter about how her ideas could be applied to the tumultuous times of 2022. Your friend raises skeptical challenges about whether hooks\’ ideas could really operate and their merits. Do you defend hooks or side with your friend\’s skepticism? Take the conversation where it goes! (and weave in a few real quotes from hooks) Question 11. Using Man’s Search For Meaning as your main launching pad, explore Frankl’s central claims about the meaning of life topic. Analyze some of the different elements of what he argues can add meaning and how he uses examples to illustrate his line of thinking. What are some of the possible strengths and pitfalls of his position and why? Ultimately do you tend to agree or disagree with his position and why? Question 12. Imagine you have a dialogue in a café and you discuss Frankl\’s key ideas with a friend who then raises skeptical challenges to his ideas and you explain where you stand and why.

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