Case Study Assignment Help

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Case Study Assignment Help

Purpose of Writing Assignment Throughout English Composition II, you will explore, research, and create arguments about an issue of your choosing. The primary goal is to highlight a problem that is observable and definable.

Requirements The work should include the following:

  • MLA Format
  • 1 ½ to 2 pages (double spaced), not including the Works Cited page
  • Work Cited page
  • A minimum of 1 source, other than your personal observations, cited in the work.

This source may be one you plan to use in the rest of the work. Tasks to Complete For this assignment, write a research proposal on a topic found to be a problem in society. The purpose of the research proposal is to give a good overview of the problem, propose what you expect to accomplish with your research, and explain how you plan to conduct your research. The topic you choose for this work will be researched and used throughout the entire semester. To complete this assignment, you should. Case Study Assignment Help
Methods of Organization for the Assignment

• Introduction of the issue or problem that your research will address and attempt to resolve. What is the significance of the issue? Provide insight into the relevance of the issue and a thesis that states the main point(s) of the proposal.

• Summary of what you already know about the issue. Explain and describe what you already know about the issue. How does the issue impact society? What factor(s) contribute to the issue’s ongoing presence?

• Summary of your research approach. Explain what more you need to learn about the issue. What do you plan to research regarding the issue? Will you have to clarify terms and concepts? What research is needed for the opposing viewpoint? What kinds of sources will you use for your research? What Grade for this work 5% Of the overall grade for the course Submit a polished, academic level work using MLA format Use invention techniques to identify possible research problems Plan and organize your proposal Establish a thesis and academic level paragraphs Write a rough draft and complete revision exercise AEH Division 2 strengths will they lend to the work? How will they help clarify the points you want to make? How will you gather your sources? Case Study Assignment Help

Case Study Assignment Help

• Summary of your intended audience. Describe the intended audience for your research; who needs to know about this issue? Is the audience general, specialized, or both? Discuss what people or groups of people might benefit from reading your work.  how will your audience benefit from your research?

• Conclusion that addresses what is at stake if the problem is not solved and why it is worthy of a solution. Skills This assignment helps you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in school and your professional life beyond school. In this assignment you will:

• Develop skills in thinking about and designing a comprehensive research work  • Identify logical steps that must be taken to accomplish one’s research goals

• Improve general research and writing skills  Case Study Assignment Help

• Compose a well-organized, work that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion Criteria for Success A summary of the grading criteria for this assignment can be found in the following table. For detailed criteria, see the assignment rubric. Category Description Points Mechanics Students will communicate using academic language and conventions of Standard American English. 5 Formatting Students will format a work utilizing MLA style formatting. 10 Organization Students will present information in a unified and coherent manner. 15 Content Students will write a work that responds to all parts of the prompt. 20 Total 50 pts. Case Study Assignment Help

Once you have your research question, follow the assignment sheet and outline to write your research proposal.


  1. Post your draft. (If you need help posting a document, check out this link:
  2. 300 words in MLA format, excluding work cited

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