Business Assignment Help

Business’s Financial Health Summary Assignment Help

Business Assignment Help

Please respond to the following:

  • Is the term corporate entrepreneurship an oxymoron? In other words, can corporations—especially large ones—be innovative? Support your answer with examples.
  • Use the Internet to find an example of two corporate innovations—one brought about through autonomous strategic behavior and one developed through induced strategic behavior. Which innovation seems to hold the most promise for commercial success and why? Business Assignment Help

Business Assignment Help

Please respond to classmate post with 3-4 meaningful sentences:

Is the term corporate entrepreneurship an oxymoron? In other words, can corporations—especially large ones—be innovative? Support your answer with examples.

Large companies have strict standards and controls. They are based on core philosophies and strong foundations. In enormous companies, the innovation, and the concepts are restricted by the corporate Bureaucracy and therefore, the chances of innovation and creativity are limited. Corporate entrepreneurship is not so advanced or used highly in large companies.

Business Assignment Help

Use the Internet to find an example of two corporate innovations—one brought about through autonomous strategic behavior and one developed through induced strategic behavior. Which innovation seems to hold the most promise for commercial success and why?

Autonomous strategic behavior is a bottom-up process in which new product champions pursue new product ideas. An example would be the iPod. It was developed through manpower and engineering capabilities of the company’s employees.

Induced strategic behavior is a top-down process where strategy is filtered through the company’s existing hierarchy which is already structured. This process is consistent with the company’s strategies that are already used. An example of this would be the iPhone. Manpower was used to develop a sophisticated cellphone that can continue to rate above the competition in the market.

Of these two types, the most profitable would be induced strategic behavior because no additional cost is needed to be a part of the output. It is helpful to the manpower as well as to the management.

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