
Nursing Practice

External Stressors Unique to Adolescents

Two external stressors unique to adolescents would include school and peer demands and separation/divorce of their parents. According to Falkner (2018) “Stressors, such as bullying, cyberbullying, depression, relationship violence, and suicide, are all dynamics teenagers may face” (para. 32). Adolescents are at a unique stage of life, no longer a child but not yet an

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Nursing Practice

scarcity of health resources

Scenario The health resources scarcity continues to negatively affect communities across the country. Deciding how to allocate scarce health resources creates significant ethical challenges for local policymakers and other stakeholders within the community. You represent a local non-profit community health organization in Chicago. Your organization is compiling data to conduct a needs assessment in order

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Contingency Plan And Executive Presentation

Contingency Plan And Executive Presentation: Based on your prior research on Apple INC, determine potential risk factors for not meeting each of the project objectives. Develop a contingency plan for each of the potential risks. Add the potential risks and contingency plan to your Wk 4 – Apply: Project Plan assignment. Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes

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