Anthology Analysis Homework Assignment
Literary Analysis essay Assignment Choose a reading from the anthology that you wish to analyze in your essay. This could be something we have read or something that we have not read in this course.
Consider the gender of the characters in your chosen work. How are male and female characters portrayed? How does the work portray their roles in society?
How does gender influence the choices that are available to the characters and the decisions that they make?
Write a paper that explores how gender affects the plot and character development in the work.
The essay needs to be 4 – 5 pages long and should be double-spaced and in MLA style.
In this course, students will be required to write 1 Literary Analysis essay. Here is a brief guideline on how to go about writing an Analysis Essay. Anthology Analysis Homework Assignment Help
This outline will provide you with a solid structure for your paper. If you feel you have the basics of the essay under control, scroll down and go on to the qualities of an excellent literary essay.
First Paragraph Introduction
- A broad statement introducing the subject in a general way in one or more sentences (this may be a statement of theme)
- A specific reference to the title and author
- Thesis/Claime statement presenting the main idea of the paper in one sentence
Body Paragraphs Anthology Analysis Homework Assignment Help
- 1st point from the thesis statement -an idea
- An example or quotation to support your idea
- Analysis and interpretation of the supporting evidence to show how it supports the idea in your topic sentence
- Concluding sentence which ties this paragraph to your thesis/claim.
Body Paragraphs
- 2nd point from the thesis statement – an idea
- An example or quotation to support your idea
- Analysis and interpretation of the supporting evidence to show how it supports the idea in your topic sentence
- Concluding sentence which ties this paragraph to your thesis/claim
Body Paragraphs
- 3rd point from the thesis statement – an idea
- An example or quotation to support your idea
- Analysis and interpretation of the supporting evidence to show how it supports the idea in your topic sentence
- Concluding sentence which ties this paragraph to your thesis/claim
Conclusion Anthology Analysis Homework Assignment Help
- Thoughtful explanation of the significance of your thesis (answers the \”so what?\” question)
*Remember, the Body Paragraphs may be multiple paragraphs.
Qualities of an Excellent Literary Paper
- brief yet illuminating
- relevant
- tone in keeping with the rest of the paper
- identifies topic
- states thesis
- to the point
- includes a direct reference to title and author
- invites reading
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